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《月亮代表我的心》- E歌唱

送交者: 杰克_JK[♂☆★★无马甲的ID★★☆♂] 于 2023-04-05 21:46 已读 1540 次  









Moon Represents My Heart
and sung by YOJIMBO37

You asked how deep I feel for you. And how much I love you.

I am always true and my love is real. The moon represents my

You asked how deep I feel for you.  And how much I love you.

I won’t ever change. 
We will be the same.  The moon
represents my heart.

Sweet with a gentle kiss,  you have truly won my heart.

All things and times we shared,  I remember till this day.

You asked how deep I feel for you, and how much I love you.

You can think of me. 
Maybe you can see  The moon
represents my heart.

Sweet with a gentle kiss,  you have truly won my heart.

All things and times we shared,  I remember till this day.

You asked how deep I feel for you,  and how much I love you.

You can think of me. 
Maybe you can see,  The moon
represents my heart.

You can think of me. 
Maybe you can see,  The moon
represents my heart.

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