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🍎 ※※ 纪念碑谷(Monument Valley)※※

送交者: 红苹果生活花园[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2024-07-05 9:05 已读 7996 次 2赞  



纪念碑谷(Monument Valley),

AI 歌曲/音乐视频联播欣赏 (五首)

In the stillness of dawn, where the sun meets the stone,
Monument Valley stands, ancient and alone.
Red rocks rise like giants from the desert floor,
Whispering tales of ages that came long before.

The buttes and mesas, with their rugged grace,
Carve a timeless beauty in this sacred space.
Shadow and light dance upon the sand,
Painting a masterpiece, nature's own hand.

Navajo spirits in the wind do sigh,
Echoes of history beneath the open sky.
A land of legends, where the eagles soar,
Guarding the secrets of what came before.

The horizon stretches, an endless line,
Blurring the boundary of earth and the divine.
Cactus and juniper in silent salute,
To the grandeur of nature, resolute.

Twilight descends with a velvet embrace,
Stars awaken, filling the infinite space.
Monument Valley, in the night's gentle hush,
Becomes a canvas, where dreams softly brush.

Majestic, eternal, a monument of time,

※※※※ ※※※※ ※※※※ ※※※※ ※※※※ ※※※※




13 of the most beautiful and popular National Parks in the United States.

Yosemite (0:00),
Zion (2:34),
Canyonlands (4:58),
Bryce (7:22),
Rocky Mountain (10:02),
Crater Lake (12:32),
Arches (15:02),
Great Smoky Mountains (17:44),
Grand Teton (19:35),
Yellowstone (21:35),
Olympic (24:29),
Glacier (25:56),
Grand Canyon (28:16).

贴主:红苹果生活花园于2024_07_05 22:47:16编辑
贴主:红苹果生活花园于2024_07_11 13:05:54编辑
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周六愉快 ! (无内容) - sc7s (0 bytes) 07/06/24
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AI 歌曲/音乐视频联播欣赏 (五首) (无内容) - 红苹果生活花园 (0 bytes) 07/05/24
🌺 周五愉快 : )) 🌹 🍪 ☕ 🎧 🎵 (无内容) - 红苹果生活花园 (0 bytes) 07/05/24

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