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送交者: balabingbang[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2021-10-26 5:25 已读 690 次  


One-of-a-kind esthetics that touches my heart and soul even today. 
I often ask myself, what is it that really touches that special spot in our feelings in such a profound way?
The heroine Xi Er's only crime was her poorness, the redemption of which cost her old dad's life, the budding love of her life, and eventually her very own life if not for the savior that was the CPC. With that in mind when you watch this ballet, the body language of the main characters' every move will start to get to you, and you'll start to comprehend why the Chinese are so supportive of their leaders
At the beginning of this masterpiece, the female protagonist was joyful and easily satisfied with simple things that are view as insignificant and trivial by others. A shred of red hair-tie would keep this poor beauty entertained and happy for days, but as the story continued she was stripped clean of even the simplest of joys one by one, enslaved and made to give up her virginity..., and that was the fate of almost all of the Chinese back in those days.
One thing that strikes me the most was how the looks of people back then are still so fashionable, refreshing, and youthful even some 70 years later. Also how the sentiments depicted in this almost century-old performance still hold relevant in today's world, but on a much larger scale.

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