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送交者: 花镶玉[♀★★★★声望勋衔17★★★★♀] 于 2024-06-08 14:20 已读 3107 次 6赞  



245 days. It has been 245 days since Noa hugged her father and her mother who is terminally ill. It has been 245 days since she was dancing with her friends at the Nova festival.For 245 days, Noa was held captive by Hamas terrorists who only seek to cause pain and suffering.… pic.twitter.com/uNK2HqGg8a

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) [Insecure Code] [< a href="https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1799433988332732524
?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">]June 8, 2024 [Insecure Code] [< script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">]
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好消息! (无内容) - znr0901 (0 bytes) 06/08/24
以色列好👍 (无内容) - Wuyueshanren (0 bytes) 06/08/24
恭喜!想知道过程。不过,,, - 仙骨子 (102 bytes) 06/08/24
中国政府就会吹牛逼…… (无内容) - 白垩纪 (0 bytes) 06/08/24

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