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??【春天踏青】【春天了印象 原创英文流行歌曲】《当可爱的心哭泣》

送交者: chuntianle[♀★★春天了印象★★♀] 于 2021-04-02 10:03 已读 28767 次  



       《可爱的心哭泣 天上下起雨

《春天音乐会: 新歌发布 - 清明节专题
地点:春天花园,童话世界, 周末的港湾


《当可爱的心哭泣》"When Lovely Heart Cries": 创意/词/曲/编/唱/绘画/摄影/文字/制作 chuntianle

【春天了印象派 - 原创英文流行歌曲】When Lovely Heart Cries 《当可爱的心哭泣》 词/曲/编/唱:chuntianle

1. I wish you ... that every new tomorrow it was shaped like your dreams and for today
2. Замечательная, душевная песня! Трогательное исполнение!Будем беречь тех, кого любим!
Счастья, здоровья, мира и удачи!
3. A very sad song, "When your beloved heart cries." Thank you for the spiritual performance.
4. Fantastic video! Take care and stay healthy my friend!!!
5.Отличная музыкальная композиция
6.Nice original song. Sounds nice. :)
7.reminds me of when i used to live in china and heard Chinese songs
8.One composition better than the other, amazing
9.Greetings from California USA
10. GREAT video song my dear ;) A million, trillions stars for you ************❤ Wonderful Week! Hugs
11. Great composition and also enjoyed the vocals. Nice lyrics
12.Very very beautiful ,self-composed song LIKE 29
much enjoyed your music video
13.my heart touching this lovely song dear. i love it, thanks dear

Pop Song - When Lovely Heart Cries
Lyricist: chuntianle
Composer: chuntianle
Singer: chuntianle
Pop, Romantic, Classical, Inspirational, Heart Song,
原创歌曲 原创音乐
SelfComposed Song, Self Composed Music, originalsong
四季印象派 impressionism 4seasons 春天 四季歌
Copyright © 2021 chuntianle. All rights reserved.
贴主:chuntianle于2021_04_02 13:05:43编辑
喜欢chuntianle朋友的这个贴子的话, 请点这里投票,“赞”助支持!


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(^-^) chuntianle 给 wwwyu 端来一杯咖啡! - chuntianle (88 bytes) 04/03/21
朋友。。?。。。。》 - sky9 (150 bytes) 04/02/21
迟到的赞! (无内容) - 杭州阿立 (0 bytes) 04/02/21
?? (无内容) - 炫笔伏逼 (0 bytes) 04/02/21
好听 ? (无内容) - yanziaz (0 bytes) 04/02/21
谢谢燕子。抱抱。 (无内容) - chuntianle (0 bytes) 04/03/21
点赞未显,手点赞。谢谢。 (无内容) - 老孙子 (0 bytes) 04/03/21
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谢谢chuntianle (无内容) - 龍族洞窟 (0 bytes) 04/02/21
红包刚搞好。谢谢支持。 (无内容) - chuntianle (0 bytes) 04/02/21
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