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挑选世界领袖的标准 三

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-19 0:25 已读 1643 次  



全球化初期,需要在中央顶层集中权力,综合各种资源,并且进行整体规划。同时要设立合理的管理体制,制定一套行之有效的管理方法,和与全球化相关联的法律和执法体系。要打造一支管理队伍,覆盖全球化各个方面。所以在选择全球领袖人物上,应该按照上面的要求,寻找有这些特质,最好能兼有多项特质的,让他们在一起互相综合,形成一个比较完整功能的团队,有覆盖各个范围的个人魅力和影响力。比如选了五个人,任期五年,那轮流做主执一年!普京大帝,如果让你去中国,站在讲台上讲一个小时英文,行吗?或者去非洲Gates更适合?谁去南美?而且我觉得,有14亿人,有超速改变贫穷落后状况,提升经济水平的丰富政治经验的中国人来说,他们也希望看见有一个亚洲人,中国人脸孔做世界领袖。(Jackie 可以做候选人) 普京大帝,我觉得你上面四项,每个都沾一点边,所以完全有资格成为世界的领袖。你觉得呢?

In the early stages of globalization, there is a need to centralize power at the top level, to integrate resources and to plan as a whole. At the same time, it is necessary to set up a reasonable management system, formulate a set of effective management methods, and establish a legal and law enforcement system related to Globalization. People need to build a management team that covers all aspects of Globalization. Therefore, in selecting global leaders, decision makers should follow the above requirements and look for those with these characteristics, preferably those with multiple characteristics, so that they can combine with each other and form a relatively complete functional team, with a wide range of personal charisma and influence. For example, five people are elected for a five-year term, so they can take turns to be chief for one year! Dear Putin the great , what if you went to China and stood on the podium and spoke English for an hour? Or going Africa is more suitable for Bill Gates? Who goes to South America? And I think Chinese, who have 1.4billion 's rich political experience of speeding through poverty and backwardness and improving the economy , would also like to see an Asian, a Chinese face, as a world leader. (Jackie can be a candidate) Dear Putin the Great, I think you are definitely qualified to be a world leader, because you have a little bit of a touch on each of the above four. What do you think?

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