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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-18 0:31 已读 1437 次  



2008年,中国第一次办奥运会。结果中国推出了五个吉祥物,代表不同的形象色彩性格特征。中国市场巨大呀,这些各种各样的吉祥物,无论是毛绒娃娃,还是钥匙圈卡片,一投放市场,销售火爆!那些孩子们可以挑自己喜欢的买,也可以整套的收集呀。中国中央委员会有七个常委。每次出来开会,七个站成一排。为什么?因为中国人多呀,14亿人多事情也多,光靠一个主席,到处跑,演讲,接见外宾,也分不出身,怎么忙的过来呀?几个常委大家分担责任,协调合作,所以中国发展才这么快呀。象印度13亿,只见莫迪一个,当然松松散散,管不过来了全球有75亿人口,普京大帝,你有超凡的能力做俄国总统,你觉得,靠你一个人做世界领袖来统治, 累不累?


In 2008, China hosted the Olympic Games for the first time. As a result, China has introduced FIVE mascots, representing different image , colors and personality characteristics. The Chinese market is huge, these various mascots, whether it is a plush doll, or a key ring , or a card, once hit the market, sales boom! Those children can choose their own favorite to buy, they can also complete the whole collection ah. The Central Committee of China has seven standing Committee members. Stand in a row of seven every time they come out for a meeting. Why? Because there are so many Chinese, 1.3 billion. There are so many people and so many things, just relying on a chairman, running around, giving speeches, meeting foreign guests, no sublets, too busy, too much! Several members of the standing Committee share responsibilities and coordinate and cooperate. That is why China is developing so quickly. Like India 1.2 billion , only one Modi, of course, loose, no tight management ! The world has a 7billion population, Putin the Great, you have the extraordinary ability , energy, power to be President of Russia! Think about it, if only rely on you alone as a world leader to rule, will you not tired? 

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