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普京做世界领袖 一

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-17 0:22 已读 1413 次  



普京做世界领袖  Talk about Putin be the world leader

Jan 14, 2019.  at 10:01 PM


Dear Vladimir:


至高无上,勇猛威武,气盖山河,铮铮铁骨,魅力无穷,幽默风趣,去哪里都是众星捧月的伟大的普京大帝呀,今天你要我来写你!Dear Vladimir, Jackie每天天天跟你讲话不管是不是你你就在我们的生活里。我已经写过你好几次了,每次我都很愿意开动脑筋创意无限歌功颂德赞美你!


Supreme, brave, powerful, clank iron, endless charm, humor and wit, wherever a star of our great Putin, ah, you want me to write about you today! Dear Vladimir, Jackie talks to you every day, day by day, whether it is really you or not, you are in our lives. I have written about you several times, each time I am willing to use my brain, be creative, praise you from my heart!



I remember when I was traveling in Europe, wherever the Western European countries went, whether it was a village or town, or in a valley on the side of a highway, the steepest point of the church was seen! The most striking building in town is the church! All kinds, Catholic, Christian, Orthodox, some lively and full of extraordinary people, some cold and clear, gray with mystery. Inside all the churches are crucified Jesus, cold eyes from heaven looking down at the dust! Traveling in Eastern Europe and Russia, I saw many Orthodox churches, inside there hung various chandeliers, with light shining on the candles, some high walls with many murals of Byzantine style showing Jesus with a halo. In churches with various onion-heads, people come and go. Going to Jerusalem, Israel, I was woken up in the morning by the loud voice of the outside calling for prayer. Looking out from the balcony, there were people on the street who prayed on the carpet. There were scattered shoes at the entrance of the mosque. In the old city of Jerusalem, many people follow the footsteps of Jesus carrying cross and walk through ancient churches one by one. You can feel the existence of Jesus throughout the Old City.

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