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土耳其经济 五

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-14 1:03 已读 1586 次  







土耳其拥有完善的国有铁路系统,按标准规格(1,435毫米(4英尺8英尺)建造)在21世纪初,实现了重大的基础设施项目;例如建设高速铁路网以及博斯普鲁斯海峡下的隧道,该隧道首次通过铁路连接欧洲和安纳托利亚。截至20165月,有四条高速路线(伊斯坦布尔 - 安卡拉,伊斯坦布尔) -KonyaAnkara-EskisehirAnkara-Konya)在两条不同的高速铁路线上运行。布尔萨(Bursa),锡瓦斯(Sivas)和伊兹密尔(Izmir)是其他一些与高速网络连接的城市,正在开展工作。布尔萨将连接安卡拉 - 伊斯坦布尔高速铁路,目前正在从安卡拉到锡瓦斯建造一条新线路,另一条从Polatlı到伊兹密尔的新线路也正在建设中。 线路也计划从Yerköy(从安卡拉到锡瓦斯)到开塞利,另一个从Halkalı到土耳其与保加利亚的欧洲边境的Edirne


Turkey has a well-developed, state-owned railway system built to standard gauge (1,435 mm (4 ft 81⁄2 in)), In the early 21st century, major infrastructural projects were realized; such as the construction of a high-speed railway network as well as a tunnel under the Bosphorus strait which connects Europe and Anatolia by rail for the first time.As of May 2016, there are four high-speed routes (Istanbul-Ankara, Istanbul-Konya, Ankara-Eskisehir, Ankara-Konya) running on two different high-speed railway lines. Bursa, Sivas and Izmir are among some of other cities to be connected to the high-speed network with works being underway. Bursa will be connected to the Ankara-Istanbul high-speed railway, a new line is currently being constructed from Ankara to Sivas and another new line from Polatlı to İzmir via Afyon is also under construction.

Lines are also planned from Yerköy (on the line from Ankara to Sivas) to Kayseri and an other one from Halkalı to Edirne on Turkey's European border with Bulgaria.

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