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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-12 23:52 已读 1484 次  









昨天,上次来的一些东南亚国家,澳洲国家,还有南美上半部的国家领导人,又在一起聚会了!想想看跳了一个半小时的HaKa dance,是由新西兰女总理领跳的,而且还延长了两次玩得该有多热乎!Jackie 高兴坏了回来快九点了,Jackie 还要做剩下的功课谢谢我们热情聪明,斯坦佛大学生物系毕业的数学的女儿Jennifer, 耐心帮她做完功课已经午夜了谁料想我们可敬的奥巴马总统从遥远的非洲大陆打电话来又跟Jackie 热聊要不是我半夜起来上洗手间他们还在谈呢我一看手表凌晨2:30你们真是吸血鬼呀一直都是!今天一早Jackie 又去跟他们聚会了因为今天这些领袖在这是最后一天。Jennifer 也去了,懂事体贴热心的她让Jackie 带上功课,当场帮 Jackie 把今天的作业做掉回来Jackie 就可以多休息了。终于有点人性了!昨天巴西总统(给他取别名Samba) , 又跟Jackie 一起跳探戈了上次泰王还教Jackie 跳泰国舞呢看这些国家领导人都有属于自己民族的有特色的表演节目。那我们美国的黄金组队是不是也应该准备一些节目?比如说象上面的Haka 舞,DabkeBallet, Zumba 什么的,到时候站出来一跳,就是我们美国队精神呢!觉得那些领导人来,是不是每人应该准备些拿手节目?昨天 Jackie还拿回来一大包零零碎碎的皮肤保养品,谢谢你们!其实无论是美国的黄金组队还是远道而来的世界领袖们,我觉得应该给他们配备一个医师同时兼做按摩师,帮他们消除疲劳,他们这些人年龄大了,难免有各种各样的毛病,还得保证他们的营养和身体健康。两天前,亚马逊的 Jeff来跟Steven和苹果商讨合作的事情,是不是以后全球化向不同地区的小企业产品都通过亚马逊放到全球销售的平台,苹果会为他们写软件,梦工场帮他们塑造形象?这个市场规模,可是比阿里巴巴和亚马逊加起来都大呀!怪不得他们几个都兴奋的不得了。


Yesterday, the leaders of  Southeast Asian countries, Australia and the top half of South America got together again! Think about it. They did hour-and-a-half HaKa dance, led by New Zealand's female Prime Minister, and it was extended twice. How hot it would be! Jackie was overjoyed. It was almost nine o'clock when she came back. Jackie had to do the rest of her homework. Thanks to our enthusiasm and intelligence, Jennifer, a Stanford biology graduate Math’s daughter, helped her with her homework. It's midnight, and who knows, our honorable former President Obama has called from afar in Africa and chatted with Jackie! If I hadn't got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, they were still talking, and I looked at my watch , it was 2:30am! You guys are vampires, all these years! Early this morning, Jackie went to party with them again, because the leaders are here for the last day today. Jennifer also comes , sensible, considerate and warm-hearted, she lets Jackie bring homework, helps Jackie to do today's homework on the spot, so Jackie can rest more afterwards. Finally, a little humanity! Yesterday the president of Brazil (nicknamed Samba) danced the tango with Jackie again. Last time, Erawan ( Thai king) taught Jackie to dance Thai dance! Look at the leaders of these countries, all have their own national, unique performances. Well, shouldn't American golden team also prepare some performances? For example, like the Haka dance above, the dabke, ballet, Zumba and so on, when the time comes to stand up and dance, that is the spirit of our team in the United States! Do you think every leader should prepare some special programs when they come? Yesterday Jackie also brought back a big bag of skin care products, thank you Steven, David, Apple, Math. I would like to see you get better cared! Today David bought Jackie more clothes, Great thanks, David, Big hugs! In fact, whether it is the Golden team of the United States or the world leaders coming from afar, I think they should be provided with a doctor who also works as a masseuse to help them overcome their tiredness. As they get older, they inevitably have a variety of ailments. But also to ensure their nutrition and physical health. Two days ago, Amazon's Jeff came to discuss cooperation with Steven and Apple. Will Apple write software for small businesses in different parts of the world whose products will be sold globally through Amazon? DreamWorks helped them create their image? This market size, will be bigger than Alibaba and Amazon combined! No wonder they're all so excited.

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