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讲基督教 五

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-07 2:10 已读 1309 次  





Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christianity spread to all of Europe in the Middle Ages. Since the Renaissance era, Christianity has expanded throughout the world and become the world's largest religion.





Early Christianity spread from city to city in the Hellenized Roman Empire and beyond into East Africa and South Asia. The original church communities were founded by apostles and numerous other Christian soldiers, merchants, and preachers in northern Africa, Asia Minor, Armenia, Arabia, Greece, and other places.  In the post-Apostolic church, bishops emerged as overseers of urban Christian populations, and a hierarchy of clergy gradually took on the form of episkopos (overseers, in-spectors; and the origin of the term bishop) and presbyters (elders; and the origin of the term priest), and then deacons (servants).The letters of Paul, Peter, John, and Jude all testify to intra-Church conflicts over both leadership and theology.

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