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讲基督教 三

送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-06-05 23:00 已读 1296 次  



基督教当初扩展的时候,所采用的方式和所建立的一套系统,是不是也可以作为全球化宣传和开展社会中的社交生活的借鉴?现在Steven 所组织的世界领袖集会,从场地和集会内容,都是很粗糙原始的,大多是属于休闲和娱乐的。我想,以后应该也可以借用各种宗教的系统,全球化应该发展出一个完整的理论和哲学体系,应该采用现在的所有的,丰富多彩的社会活动集会方式和组织形式,来综合娱乐和精神需求功能我可以想象,那一定是非常丰富多彩的,非常有趣的,非常能调动人积极性,有精神上共鸣的,可以脑力激荡的!一定是大家兴致勃勃踊跃,乐意参加的如果光是领袖们在一起交流,所得的功效是有限的。真正全球化需要的是,具体的先进规划和脚踏实地地做事。这两个都需要人员之间的交流合作和友爱互信,这样全球化才能有效高效获得成功。不然如果还在宗教文化意识形态,互相对立冲突的话,就是没完没了的麻烦。全球社会不同层次,不同行业不同种族不同背景的人在各种场合一起的社交活动,也是一个巨大的市场,也是促进经济发展的。下面就是讲基督教的内容。


When Christianity first expanded, the way it was adopted and the system it established could also be used as a reference for global propaganda and social life in society. Now the world leader gathering organized by Steven, from the venue and the gathering content, is very rough and original, mostly for leisure and entertainment. I think that in the future, we should also borrow a system of various religions. Globalization should develop a complete theoretical and philosophical system. We should adopt all the current and colorful social activities and organization forms to integrate entertainment and spirit. Demand function. I can imagine that it must be very colorful, very interesting, very motivating, sympathetic, and brainstorming! It must be everyone's enthusiasm and willingness to participate. If the leaders are talking together, the effect is limited. What is needed for true Globalization is concrete, advanced planning and down-to-earth work. Both of these require exchanges and cooperation between people and mutual trust, so that Globalization can be effective and efficient. Otherwise, if you are still in a religious cultural ideology and are in conflict with each other, it is an endless trouble.  Social activities at different levels in the global society and in different industries and different ethnic backgrounds in various occasions are also a huge market and also promote economic development. The following is the content of Christianity.

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