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Biogen Boston 的会议传染了33万人

送交者: 张旺教授[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2020-12-11 14:43 已读 309 次  


Biogen conference attended by 175 people in Boston in February is linked to
up to 330,000 coronavirus infections in 29 states and three other countries

A strategy meeting of 175 senior managers at Biogen Inc was held at the
Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel in late February

In a recent study of 772 patients, researchers found one distinct strain in
more than one-third of patients linked back to the conference 

The strain was found in at least 29 states, including Florida, North
Carolina and Indiana, and countries such as Australia, Slovakia, Sweden

At least 99 people at the meeting tested positive for COVID-19 and
researchers now believe the conference is responsible for up to 330,000
global infections

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