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Global Drone Package Delivery Market

送交者: Lk1970[♂☆★破虏大将军★☆♂] 于 2021-08-27 5:43 已读 4174 次  



Global Drone Package Delivery Market (2020 to 2030) - Increasing Private Investments in the Drone Industry Presents Opportuniti

The drone package delivery market is projected to grow from USD 528 million in 2020 to USD 39,013 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 53.8% from 2020 to 2030. Growing demand for fast delivery, rising amendments in regulatory frameworks to encourage drone package delivery, and increasing demand for lowering carbon emission are some of the factors fueling the growth of the market. Also, with the rising need to lower carbon emissions in transport, including package delivery, the drone package delivery market is anticipated to grow during the forecast period.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created short-term disruptions and long-term structural changes due to which the e-commerce sector is experiencing sluggish growth in new online categories such as groceries and home care. This has enabled suppliers to adopt autonomous means such as drones and robots to deliver goods to the customer without human involvement. For instance, UPS, an American multinational package delivery company, has entered into a collaboration with 
German drone-maker Wingcopter GmbH to accelerate the adoption of aerial drones for contactless delivery. Various prominent and emerging goods delivery technologies such as UAS are laying a critical role during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Based on solution, the service segment is projected to lead the drone package delivery market during the forecast period.

Based on solution, the drone package delivery market has been classified into the platform, software, infrastructure, and service. Drones are becoming accessible to smaller logistics operations for running a warehouse and are increasingly adopted in the delivery of food items, product packages, and medical supplies, among others. The growing use of delivery drones leads to the requirement for proper software and infrastructure that support them. Combined with good logistics software, drones can drastically improve efficiency. Online retail service providers and logistic companies are focusing on developing innovative drones which can carry a heavy payload to deliver packages at customer’s doorstep. In the industries such as healthcare, logistics, and food, the multirotor drone has the capability to fly autonomously to the delivery package at the location provided by a customer of the respective company. Thus, the benefits of serial delivery drones in the service industry is driving the demand for drone services in the drone package delivery market.

Based on package size, the

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