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Hire English online part-time customer service

送交者: aa1213[布衣] 于 2024-04-18 20:31  


1. Work conscientiously, carefully, and be good at communication.

2. Proficiency in English or Chinese writing skills,And good communication skills in English or Chinese.

3 Home office,1-2 hours of free time per day.

About salary:

1. Pay more for more work,Daily salary based on part-time jobs 50-200$ ranging.

2. Depending on the working ability,Salary can be increased gradually.

3. Absolutely no wage arrears,The specific salary is negotiable.

Relatively free time,But you need to spare half an hour every day,No experience can be trained.

Interested in contacting WeChat:    ZW-V-0819

telephone consultation  6076086907
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