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15.3.6 王者归来 Return of the King

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-08-05 11:39 已读 3022 次 1赞  


Alviss was bullied by princess Thrud, could not tolerate her and decided to give up the relationship. Because Thrud still had some feelings for him, Thor insisted on marrying his daughter to him. Alviss felt threatened. If the princess was not married, he would not be able to find a girlfriend, and Thor might be anxious about Thrud's marriage and force him to marry her, so he fled.

(1 圣鬼 Holy Ghost)

A few years later, Alviss heard that Thor had passed away and immediately fell ill. Legend has it that the Járnsaxa (i.e., Iron Dagger, shown as figs. 15.3.6-35, 36) pressed one of Thor's legs against Alviss' neck, and all the gods could not move Thor’s leg away. The author, I believe that Alviss had never met Thor, but the two had a deep relationship for decades, so the news of Thor's death caused Alviss to suffer from "conversion disorder", which triggered a variety of illnesses.

Those diseases contain elements of hysteria (anciently ghost disease), so the legendary Járnsaxa is the holy ghost of Thor, representing the conversion disorder and schizophrenia that Alviss suffered from at the time, as well as respiratory disorders, rheumatism, gastrointestinal ulcers and other diseases caused by mental illness.

(2 呼吸障碍和胃肠溃疡 Respiratory Disorders and Gastrointestinal Ulcer)

古代的德国人用“雷音的一条腿压住埃尔维斯的脖子”来表明埃尔维斯患有呼吸障碍。插图37是埃及的浮雕。浮雕中夏娃头顶的示意图表示她用蜣螂虫击垮了狮子王亚当,并把他装进了瓶子(如图37上面,容器内的狮子所示)。古埃及人用蜣螂虫来表示亚当在被夏娃创伤后,患了胃肠溃疡,用 “被装进了瓶子” 表示亚当在被夏娃创伤后,患有呼吸障碍。所以蜣螂在古埃及是上帝的吉祥物,表示他抓到狮子王亚当了。
The ancient Germans used "Thor's leg pressed on Alviss' neck" to indicate that Alviss had respiratory problems. Illustration 37 is an Egyptian relief. The diagram on Eve's head in the relief shows that she defeated the lion king Adam with a dung beetle and put him into a bottle (as shown in the lion in the container above Figure 37). The ancient Egyptians used dung beetles to represent Adam's gastrointestinal ulcers after being wounded by Eve and used "being bottled" to represent Adam's respiratory problems after being wounded by Eve. Therefore, dung beetles were God's mascots in ancient Egypt, indicating that he had caught the lion king Adam.

When I was a child, I read a story that some Germans said that dung beetles are "Thor’s Devils”; this statement is the opposite of the ancient Egyptian statement above, but the meaning is similar. The story goes that some poor German gentlemen went to the countryside to find the "Thor’s Devils" (i.e., dung beetles) in fresh cow dung and then turned it over. If the dung beetle could turn itself over quickly, it was a sign of Auspicious. Then, the gentleman would go to the bar and pour drinks for the guests with his hand that had just touched the dung beetle, and the customers would give him a tip. I think this tradition shows that Alviss suffered from gastrointestinal ulcers.

(3 觉悟 Enlightenment)


As mentioned in the previous article, Alviss went crazy after hearing the news of Thor's death. According to the legend of the ancient Germans, that is, he fell into hell and became Modi. Modi means moody. Modi quickly identified that his opponent, the Iron Dagger (Járnsaxa), was not an ordinary ghost, but a holy ghost. When Modi recalled that his illness originated from his date with Thrud, he analyzed that Thrud has the appearance of a goddess, and thus realized that the Fundamental Ten Precepts are nature laws (cf. section 13.1.1), and the reason for his fall into hell was that he had fought with the goddess and violated natural laws. In this way, Modi realised the Covenant Ark (see Section 16.2) in hell and obtained the golden armor. Modi found that he was framed by Thor and Thrud and hated Thrud. It is said that when a person hates an enemy very much, he wants to eat the enemy's flesh. Therefore, the ancient Germans said that Modi turned into a lion and wanted to eat Thrud (as shown in Figure 39). Readers should know that this is the original meaning of Shakyamuni's title of Lion King.

Modi couldn't imagine why Thor and Thrud wanted to frame him. Human memories are stored with emotions. Crazy Modi's emotions of crying and laughing at times sparked his memories of his early childhood, recalling the scene when Thor engaged himself to thrud when he was about one year old. Modi realized that it was all Thor's way of creating his Goat Vehicle religion. Modi calculated Thor's knowledge and deeds, discovered that Thor had achieved God, so he surrendered to Thor and agreed that he would continue Thor’s career of creating the Goat Vehicle religion as Tanngnjóstr.

(4 出离地狱 Leaving Hell)

莫迪回忆出了三岁之前的记忆。这记忆与人思想内部的随念自我类似,在古德语中称作马格尼(如图40),汉语中称作大力神和福,基督教和伊斯兰教中称作亚伯,墨西哥萨满教中称作灵龙。此法力量强大,北欧传说,三天后莫迪就 “站起来了”!
Modi recalled memories before the age of three. This memory is like “along thoughts ego” in human’s mind mechanism, is called Magni (see fig. 40) in ancient Germanic, Great Strength God and Fortune in Chinese, Abel in Christianity and Islam, and Quetzalcoatl in Mexican shamanism. The law of Magni is so powerful that according to Nordic legend, Modi "stood up" after three days!

Modi also realized that "a happy Thrud is a goddess and a fortune, while a sad Thrud is a misfortune", so he tried to forget his hatred and think more about the happy times when he was with Thrud. In this way, Modi climbed out of hell with the help of the goddess Thrud (as shown in Figure 42). Modi's condition improved, and he gradually turned into Tanngnjóstr (as shown in Figure 43). Tanngnjóstr has not eliminated his hatred for Thrud and imagined that he would spank Thrud after returning home country and finding her (as shown in Figure 44).

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