15.3.4 法学家 Jurist
The next morning after Thor returned to the tribe, Freya told him, "Sif said you are a Redbeard (a savage bandit), you should not be seen by her in the near future." He came to the tribal council and learned what was happening. The elders of the tribe had invited many famous people to go to Jotunheim to negotiate peace with the Brahman. Some people had already returned, saying that the Brahmans refused to forgive and would not reconcile. The leader of the tribe sent someone with a lot of money to report to the king, saying that he was willing to resolve the dispute with the Brahmans privately and hoped that the king could mediate. The tribe also sent a lot of money to Loki's army to Jotunheim and asked them to stay in Jotunheim for a while.部落还安排了人员疏散,有两个邻居部落拒绝接收难民,还在边境安排了士兵把守。几个临近的部落同意接受难民,但数量有限。所以部落的长老们决定把剩下的老弱病残妇女儿童暂时迁往深山居住。负责打仗的领导决定组建一支由志愿者组成的精英部队,当婆罗门的联军来犯时,在他们还没形成一个整体时,这只精英部队直击婆罗门的主力核心部队,把婆罗门的盟军打散。雷音自愿去参加了精英部队,去备战了。
The tribe also arranged for the evacuation of personnel. Two neighboring tribes refused to accept refugees and arranged soldiers to guard the border. Several neighboring tribes agreed to accept refugees, but the number was limited. So, the elders of the tribe decided to temporarily relocate the remaining old, weak, sick, disabled, women and children to live in the mountains. The leader in charge of the war decided to form an elite force composed of volunteers. When the Brahman coalition forces attacked, before they formed a whole, this elite force directly attacks the main core forces of the Brahmans and disperse the Brahman allies. Thor volunteers to join the elite force to prepare for the war.(2 西芙的逃跑 Sif's Escape)西芙和姐姐发现自己被雷音绑架了,当然准备逃回约顿海姆。他们俩在吃饭时,把干粮节省了下来。他们俩故意把酒水留着,随后喝,时间长了,他们俩就藏匿了两个酒瓶子。姐姐还故意割伤了自己,他们俩精心地骗取保留了多余的药物,怎么这样儿?
Sif and her sister found themselves kidnapped by Thor, so they were preparing to flee back to Jotunheim. They saved dry food when they ate. They kept the wine and drank it later; after some time, they hid two wine bottles. The sister also cut herself on purpose. They carefully tricked and kept the extra medicine. How could this happen? 西芙和芙蕾雅一样,都是名誉上的夏娃族人,具有很强的觉悟的特质;夏娃类的人做事必然计划在先。那他们储存酒瓶子和药物干什么?他们俩计划逃回约顿海姆,需要在荒无人烟的野生环境中旅行一至三个月,脱水和伤口感染将对她们俩的生存构成很大的威胁。就在他们俩将要收集了足够的绳子盐和刀具时,这个部落突然加强了戒备,增加了巡逻的次数,说是严防刺客。
Like Freya, Sif is a member of nominally the Eve tribe, has a strong trait of conscientiousness; people like Eve always plan before doing things. So why do they store wine bottles and medicines? They plan to escape back to Jotunheim, which requires one to three months of travel in the wild and uninhabited environment. Dehydration and wound infection will pose a great threat to their survival. Just when the two of them were about to collect enough ropes, salt and knives, the tribe suddenly strengthened their vigilance and increased the frequency of patrols, saying that they were on guard against assassins.逃跑的那天夜里,按照计划好的路线,西芙和姐姐来到了部落中心区域的边缘,但被一队值班的守卫挡住了去路。那队士兵沿着道路燃起了一排篝火,看样子没有离开的意图。
On the night of the escape, following a planned route, Sif and her sister made it to the edge of the central area of the tribe, but were blocked by a group of guards on duty. The group of soldiers had a row of bonfires along the road and looked like they had no intention of leaving.这姐妹俩改变了路线,接近了另一处逃离的出口,那里没有士兵把守,但忽然听到后面跑来了一队寻找刺客的卫兵。姐妹俩立刻躲到了路边的树林。卫兵走远后,姐妹俩刚要冲向出口内侧的一撮树林,他们俩的近前站起来一个人,径直地跑向了她们俩的目的地。“呼隆”一声,他掉进了陷阱,可能是被陷阱底部的刺刀刺伤了,拼命地嚎叫,“救命!”姐妹俩赶紧躲了回去。
The two sisters changed their route and approached another escape exit where there were no soldiers guarding it, but suddenly heard a group of guards running behind them looking for the assassin. The two sisters immediately hid in the woods by the roadside. After the guards walked away, the two sisters were about to rush to a group of trees inside the exit, but a man stood up in front of them and ran straight to their destination. With a "whoosh", he fell into the trap, and was probably stabbed by the bayonet at the bottom of the trap. He screamed desperately, "Help!" The two sisters quickly hid back.巡逻的士兵欢呼着“逮到了!逮到了!”赶了过来,问:“雷音在前线打仗呢!你到这儿刺杀谁?”陷阱里的人辩解道:“我是个小偷,想偷点儿吃的,我不是刺客!”
The patrolling soldiers cheered, "We caught him! We caught him!" and rushed over to ask, "Thor is fighting on the front line! Who are you trying to kill here?" The man in the trap explained, "I'm a thief who wanted to steal some food. I'm not an assassin!"一个巡逻兵失望地回答:“自从雷音让我们挖了这几个陷阱,已经三年没来过贼了!人们都忘了我们这里有死亡陷阱!在你死后,我们肯定把你拉出来,送去各个贼窝,问问他们谁认识你!?”
One of the patrollers replied with disappointment, “It's been three years since Thor had us dig these traps and no thieves have come! People have forgotten that we have death traps here! After your death, we'll be sure to pull you out and send you to the various thieves' dens and ask them who knows you!?”掉在陷阱里的人立刻改口了:“我是刺客!有人给我钱,让我来杀前几天雷音从约顿海姆带回来的两个女人;可我没找到她们,却被你们发现了我的行踪,所以我要离开了,我真的什么坏事都没做!”
The man who fell in the trap immediately changed his words, “I'm an assassin! Someone paid me to kill the two women that Thor brought back from Jotunheim a few days ago; but I didn't find them, and you guys found out my whereabouts, so I'm leaving, I really didn't do anything bad!”一个巡逻兵问:“谁要杀她们俩?为什么要杀她?你钱都收了,没找到就要离开了!?”
A patrolman asked, “Who wants to kill them both? Why do they want to kill them? You've taken all the money and you're leaving without finding them!?”刺客回答:“我如实说,我不认识给我钱的人,要我杀的人是婆罗门的两个侍女。给我钱的人说,‘她们俩知道些婆罗门(神)的秘密。那秘密我不能告诉你,如果你知道了那秘密,我们也会杀了你!’ 我真的不知道那秘密是什么。来到这里,我偷听出了她们俩住在XXX楼。可是今晚我去杀她们,找遍了整栋楼,没发现任何人。我的行踪已经暴露了,只能离开了。”
The assassin replied, “I tell you truthfully that I do not know the man who gave me the money, and that the two woman I was asked to kill were two of Brahman's maids. The man who gave me the money said, 'They both know some secret of Brahman (God). I can't tell you that secret, and if you know that secret, we will kill you too!' I really didn't know what that secret is. When I came here, I overheard that the two of them lived in the XXX building. But tonight, when I went to kill them, I searched the whole building and didn't find anyone. My whereabouts have been exposed, so I had to leave.”一个巡逻兵说,“我去XXX楼看看,怎么能没人呢!?”巡逻兵的队长立刻大叫:“站住!那两个不是普通的女人,如果你看见她们的裸体,她们会弄瞎你的眼睛!”
A patrolman said, "I'm going to check on the XXX building. How come there's no one there?!" The patrol captain immediately shouted, "Stop! Those two are not ordinary women. If you see them naked, they will blind your eyes!"另一个巡逻兵说,“她们俩跑了,我们得追呀!” 队长说:“族长告诉我们那俩女人是客人,既然是客人,她们想什么时候离开就什么时候离开,与我们无关!”
Another patrolman said, "They ran away, we should chase them!" The captain said, "The tribe leader told us that the two women are guests. Since they are guests, they can leave whenever they want. It has nothing to do with us!"一个巡逻兵说,“我看是那俩女人发现了刺客,所以躲出了那栋楼。如果她们俩迷路了,掉进了陷阱,那我们就麻烦了!我们应该守护每个陷阱!”
A patrolman said, "I think the two women discovered the assassin, so they hid out of the building. If they get lost and fall into the trap, we will be in trouble! We should guard every trap!"队长回答:“有道理,我们分头去把陷阱盖起来。”他们离开前,还告诉陷阱里的刺客持续地喊,“这里有陷阱,不要过来”。
The captain replied: "That makes sense. Let's split up and cover the traps." Before they left, they told the assassin in the trap to keep shouting, "There is a trap here, don't come over."(3 刺客的尸体没被搬走 The Assassin's Corpse Was not Removed.)天快亮了,西芙姐妹俩觉得今天走不了了,趁着没人溜回了住所。姐妹俩刚回到自己的房间,佣女就着急忙慌地赶来了,看见她们安然无恙,才放松了下来,说:“昨天半夜,我舅舅,这部落的铁匠给我送来了这两只称作天鹅锥的东西,是前几天,芙蕾雅离开前吩咐他们打造的,说是你们俩用的武器。我觉得昨天已经太晚了,就想今天早上给你们送过来。结果,昨天后半夜就抓住刺客了,可把我吓坏了,所以天没亮就来看你们了。
It was almost dawn, and the two sisters felt that they could not leave today, so they slipped back to their residence when no one was around. As soon as the two sisters returned to their rooms, the maid rushed over in a hurry. Seeing that they were safe and sound, she relaxed and said, "My uncle, the blacksmith of this tribe, brought me these two things called Swan Cones at midnight yesterday. Freya asked them to make them before she left a few days ago, saying that they were weapons for you two. I thought it was too late yesterday, so I wanted to send them to you this morning. As a result, the assassin was caught in the second half of the night yesterday, which scared me, so I came to see you before dawn.西芙姐妹俩送走了佣女,刚要睡觉,芙蕾雅来了,说:“我昨天晚上回来时已经很晚了,刚要睡觉就听见刺客不停地哀嚎!得知幸亏你们俩机灵,发现刺客来了,躲出去了。我一定把这事报告给族长,严厉地惩罚那些卫兵,怎么还让刺客混进来了呢!” 西芙姐妹听后感觉失望:至少半个月没办法离开了!
After the Sif sisters sent the maid away and were about to go to bed, Freya came and said, "It was already very late when I came back last night, and just as I was about to go to bed, I heard the assassin wailing non-stop! Fortunately, you two were smart and found out that he was here and hid away. I will report this to the clan leader and severely punish the guards for letting the assassin get in!" After hearing this, the Sif sisters felt disappointed: they would not be able to leave for at least half a month!西芙姐妹俩习惯性地重新计划逃走的路线,她们发现刺客的尸体还在陷阱的旁边,没有被搬走。故事中说,那尸体停留在那里几个月,直到只剩下几块骨头了,那几块骨头才消失了。
The Sif sisters, as they habitually replanned their escape route, discovered that the assassin's body was still beside the trap, not removed. The story goes that the body remained there for months until only a few bones remained, and then they disappeared.作者我小时候看这个故事的时候,就感觉奇怪,怎么没人搬走尸体呢?现在我认为那是芙蕾雅在劝说西芙:“你和姐姐若回到约顿海姆,很有可能婆罗门会以泄露神的秘密的罪名杀了你们俩。即便他不杀你们,你们的后半生都等同于在监狱里。”
When I read this story as a child, I felt strange. Why didn't anyone move the body? Now I think that Freya was persuading Sif: "If you and your sister return to Jotunheim, it is very likely that the Brahman will kill you both for revealing the secrets of God. Even if he doesn't kill you, you will spend the rest of your life in prison."什么是婆罗门神的秘密?西芙就是婆罗门的秘密。例如女神的外貌,中国有一份古代黄帝选皇后的历史文献表明,他们通过测量计算十三万名妇女得出了皇后的体貌数据,即人脑默认的女人(模型),即女神的体貌特征。西芙的五百威仪十万八千魅力就是女人皮,女神的黄金甲,就是她的身体的,语言的,和思想的行为。西芙是婆罗门选拔培养出来的,而婆罗门拥有那些上帝的知识和戒律,上帝的知识是婆罗门的私有财产,根据婆罗门的法律,他门拥有处置西芙的权力。
What is the secret of the Brahman God? Sif is the secret of the Brahman. For example, the appearance of the goddess. There is a historical document in China about the selection of the queen by the ancient Emperor. It shows that they obtained the physical appearance data of the queen by measuring and calculating 130,000 women, that is, the default woman (model) of the human brain, that is, the physical characteristics of the goddess. Sif's 500 majesties and 108,000 charms are the skin of a woman, and the golden armor, are her physical, verbal, and mental behaviors. Sif was selected and cultivated by the Brahman, and the Brahman have the knowledge and precepts of Gog. The knowledge of the gods is the private property of the Brahman. According to the laws of the Brahmans, they have the power to dispose of Sif.
(4 共法 Common Law)一天,芙蕾雅邀请西芙和她的姐姐一同去给在深山里避难的父老乡亲送补给品,顺便散散心。晚会上,孩子们表演了一个歌颂法王子的话剧。西芙看得很开心,问芙蕾雅,“这个法王子是什么人?我没听说过!”芙蕾雅笑着对文化部长桥达摩说:“有人问,你编的那个话剧里的法王子是谁?”
One day, Freya invited Sif and her sister to go with them to deliver supplies to the villagers who were taking refuge in the mountains, and to relax at the same time. At the party, the children performed a play praising a Juristic Prince. Sif was very happy and asked Freya, "Who is this Juristic Prince? I have never heard of him!" Freya smiled and said to the Minister of Culture, Bridge-Dharma, "Someone asked, who is the Juristic Prince in the play you wrote?"桥达摩回答:“很荣幸受到了女神的赞赏!他是我以前的一个学生,真名是雷音。”
Bridge-Dharma replied: "I am honored to be appreciated by the goddess! He is a former student of mine; his real name is Thor." Sif replied timidly, "Here, I am not a goddess!"桥达摩指责地对芙蕾雅说:“你表哥都三十来岁了,还是个单身汉;你这当妹妹的就不能给介绍个女朋友!?”
Bridge-Dharma said to Freya accusingly: "Your cousin is already in his thirties and still a bachelor; can't you, as his sister, introduce him to a girlfriend!?"
Freya smiled and replied: "She thinks he is a red beard (barbaric bandit)!"桥达摩对西芙说:“我一看见你就注意到了,你时而出现,时而消逝,总是在变化;我还以为我的眼睛有毛病了呢!看到了你腰上的天鹅锥,我才意识到:那是你女神的五百威仪对我产生的现象。”
Bridge-Dharma said to Sif: "I noticed as soon as I saw you that you appeared and disappeared, always changing. I thought my eyes were defective! When I saw the Swan Cone on your waist, I realized that it was the effect of your five hundred majesties of the goddess on me." Sif replied: "This Swan Cone was given to me by Freya a few days ago."桥达摩回答:“那是她也认为你是个夏娃!顺便说几句雷音。他是我以前的学生,从小就不知道他爸爸是谁,我们的族长收养了他。没想到,就这样的一个杂种,随后刷新了我在这个国家创下的记录。我是23岁成为翰林的,那在当时翰林院,我是最年轻的。雷音比我还早两年,21岁就成为翰林了。他是一位很了不起的法学家,创立了共同法,就是基于涅槃(如图15.3.4-2)的性质,所有神佛的知识和戒律是众生共同所有的财产。例如你在约顿海姆是女神,也是婆罗门的谦卑的仆人;在我们这里,你也是女神,但你是你自己的主人,不属于任何别人。例如婆罗门用战争来威胁我们,把我们的芙蕾雅公主嫁给他,以便他能够取得在这个国家的永久定居权。我们没有权力决定芙蕾雅应该嫁给谁,就只能被动地接受了婆罗门的挑战。”
Bridge-Dharma replied: "That's because she also thinks you are an Eve! Allow me to say a few words about Thor. He was my former student. He didn't know who his father was since he was a child. Our clan leader adopted him. Unexpectedly, such a bastard later broke the record I set in this country. I became a Literary-Grove at the age of 23. At that time, I was the youngest in the Literary-Grove Academy. Thor became a Literary-Grove two years earlier than me at the age of 21. He was a great jurist who founded the common law, which is based on the nature of Nirvana (as shown in Figure 15.3.4-2), and the knowledge and precepts of all gods and Buddhas are the common property of all sentient beings. For example, you are a goddess in Jotunheim and a humble servant of the Brahman; here, you are also a goddess, but you are your own lord and do not belong to anyone else. For example, the Brahman threatened us with war to marry our Public Princess Freya to him so that he could obtain permanent settlement rights in this country. We have no power to decide who Freya should marry, so we can only passively accept the challenge of the Brahman."
(5 牺牲 Sacrifice)话说几年后,雷音和西芙(如图35)的女儿紫蕗德(Thrud,佛号磨牙)已经长到五、六岁了,是时候参加玉女集中训练营(即亚马逊)了。传说芙蕾雅劝说几位精灵女性为雷音做出牺牲,以便受到保护。
A few years later, the daughter of Thor and Sif, Thrud, had grown to five or six years old, and it was time for her to attend the Jade Girl Concentrated Training Camp (i.e., Amazon). Legend has it that Freya persuaded several spiritual women to sacrifice for Thor to be protected. 作者我认为这是芙蕾雅要求童女们发菩提心,是玉女(夏娃)成长过程中重要一步,菩提心就是愿渡。这几位童女所立下的誓言可以这样理解:众生无边誓愿度;烦恼无尽誓愿断;法门无量誓愿学;佛道无上誓愿成。
Author, I think this is Freya asking the little Jade Girls to develop bodhicitta, which is an important step in Eve's growth process. Bodhicitta is Ark of Will. The vows made by these children Jade Girls can be understood as follows: Sentient beings are edgeless; I vow I ferry them all! Annoyances are endless; I vow I sever them all! Juristic doors are limitless; I vow I study them all! Buddha’s path is non-upper; I vow I endeavor to succeed! 就这样芙蕾雅成为了紫蕗德(Thrud,佛号磨牙)的教母(如图37,38)。图37和38中,为芙蕾雅拉车的两只猫代表睚眦和磨牙,表示她可以用金童(即亚当)和玉女(即夏娃)这两种思维模式进行思维。插图40是墨西哥的蔻特鹠鸺(Coatlicue),活跃在公元1325年前后,和芙蕾雅是同一位女神。古墨西哥人是用两只蛇来表示她可以用金童和玉女两种思维模式进行思维的。插图38和39的男人是金童的导师弗雷,他的目的是把金童培养成猪八戒(参见15.2.3 《天选之子》)。
In this way Freya became the godmother of Thrud (Buddha fame Tanngrisnir) (cf. Figs. 37, 38). The two cats pulling the cart for Freya in Figures 37 and 38 represent Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir, indicating that she can think in both modes of the Golden Boy (i.e., Adam) and the Jade Girl (i.e., Eve). Illustration 40 is the Mexican Coatlicue, active around 1325 CE., the same position goddess as Freya. The ancient Mexicans were using two snakes to indicate that she could think in both golden boy and jade girl modes of thinking. The man in Illustrations 38 and 39 is Frey, the Golden Boy's mentor, whose purpose is to train the Golden Boy (Tanngnjóstr) to be a Piggy Eight Precepts (cf. 15.2.3 The Chosen One).↪️返回第15章《灭谛》目录↪️Back to Catalog of Chapter 15 Salvation Crux贴主:Adam_Luyan于2024_08_12 17:27:48编辑
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