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送交者: 巴鲁荒谢君[☆★★八路新四皇协★★☆] 于 2024-12-04 22:01 已读 1154 次  


The woman in the video having a scuffle with the soldier is a Democratic Party politician named Ahn Gwi-ryeong. She 
brought along a cameraman to stage the scene and tried to seize the soldier’s firearm while he was standing still. This act could have easily led to an accidental shooting. She has been widely criticized by many people in Korea, except for those aligned with the Democratic Party. Please do not support her. The soldiers did nothing wrong. In fact, after the martial law was lifted, some soldiers even bowed deeply to civilians, apologizing as they withdrew. This was recorded on video, so please don’t misunderstand the situation.
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