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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-03-15 22:02 已读 1500 次  



Dear Vladimir 如果俄国想要发展黑海地区,也应该同黑海沿岸国家一起规划。上次Vladimir 去黑海那边有俄国的高科技军事研发中心。是不是俄国想把那边作为高科技信息产业智能产业的发展中心呢? 黑海地区连接欧亚风景优美。我在想黑海沿岸,可不可以打造成一个特殊的经济圈,旅游圈商业圈文化圈。保加利亚可以作为欧洲文化在黑海的门户,可以去那边摘葡萄,踩葡萄做酒,可以有罗浮宫凡尔赛宫那样的花园。乌克兰俄国可以在那边有像冬宫那样的花园和艺术中心。乔治亚,伊朗可以有白色宝蓝色瓷片的清真寺,可以有蒙古族的帐篷和佛教寺庙,可以有远东的故宫式的中式建筑和庭院土耳其可以在黑海沿岸建中东特色,阿拉伯特色和非洲特色的商业区,可以去骑马骑骆驼,可以有各种时装中心,珠宝中心,娱乐中心,文化中心,可以建主题公园,民族文化村! 应该有一个好的宏大的规划,不同地区有不同的特色项目,然后找资金找建设者。可以在那边开办象硅谷这样的大学区,创业园区,向欧洲亚洲非洲各方面召集人才,真的人才济济呀。 我和Jackie 现在都很想往什么时候能去黑海旅游圈游玩。

Dear Vladimir, if Russia wants to develop Black Sea region, it should also plan with the Black Sea riparian countries. Last time Vladimir went to Black Sea, there is a Russian high-tech military research and development center. Does Russia want to use it as a center for the development of high-tech information industry and intelligent industry?  The Black Sea region connects Europe and Asia with very beautiful scenery. I wonder if the Black Sea coast can be built into a special economic circle, a tourism circle, a business circle, and a cultural circle. Bulgaria can act as a gateway to European culture in the Black Sea, go there to pick grapes, step on grapes to make wine, and have gardens like the Louvre and the Palace of Versailles. Ukraine and Russia can have gardens and art centers like Winter Palace over there. Georgia and Iran can have mosques with white blue tiles, Mongolian tents and Buddhist temples, and Imperial Palace Chinese buildings and gardens of far East. Turkey can build commercial districts with Middle Eastern, Arabian, and African characteristics along the Black Sea coast, ride camels, on horseback, have fashion centers, jewelry centers, entertainment centers, cultural centers, and can build theme parks, ethnic culture village! Should have a good large plan, different areas have projects with different characteristics, and then find funds and find builders. You can set up university districts like Silicon Valley, entrepreneurial parks, and summon talents from Europe, Asia, and Africa. You really have a lot of talent. Jackie and I would like to go to the Black Sea Tour Circle one day!

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