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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-03-08 1:21 已读 1544 次  



今天伊朗总统鲁哈尼,又在跟Jackie 讲话了。不知道他们讲什么有趣的事情,Jackie 兴高采烈地大呼小叫。我在那儿微笑,前两天,以色列总理Nathan 刚刚跟约旦黎巴嫩叙利亚领袖在一起小聚普京大帝帮他们同时搞定了巴勒斯坦。然后Nathan 又跟土耳其叙利亚互相交流小亚细亚部分也搞定了。终于现在的老大难问题浮出水面了,伊斯兰世界的硬骨头,什叶派的伊朗伊拉克也被搞定了。听着他们那么欢快的交流,于是我就问伊朗总统,可不可以叫你大流士?可以!” 大流士是波斯王朝大帝国的极盛时期的国王。然后我就怀疑,他们讲的那么气味相投,大流士的英文有那么好吗?

Today, Iranian President Rouhani is talking to Jackie again. Not knowing what interesting things they were talking about, Jackie exclaimed cheerfully. I was smiling. The other day, Prime Minister Nathan of Israel had just met with the leaders of Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, and Putin the Great had helped them handle Palestine at the same time. Nathan then interacted with Turkey and Syria, and little Asia has been token care of. Finally, the long-standing problem surfaced, the hard bones of the Islamic world, Shia Iran and Iraq have also been fixed. Listen to their so happy communication, then I asked the president of Iran, can I call you Darius? "Yes!" Darius the great was the king of the Persian empire at its peak! Then I wonder if they speak the same language, really Darius' English is that good?



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