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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-18 1:14 已读 2645 次  



Mar 8, 2017 at 9:20 PM

社会不平就会有骚乱崩溃可能 If society is not fair, there is a possibility that riots will collapse

亲爱的主席,88,我今天非常地气愤我终于弄明白了,保险公司,其实是没有权力决定车祸对错的,如果觉得他们打官司争对错代价太大,即使错了他们也不会为了你的利益而去争的保险公司高管给我电话,留言却给我女儿的名字,让人联想这又跟什么联系在一起呢?就像Jackie Troy的测试成绩,如果有人在有决定权的部门电脑里做手脚,那你的命运就被操控了,控诉讨公道无门美国有很多的法律,同一种情形当杯子里有水,那你可以说杯子里有水,也可以说杯子水没有满,操控者可以挑他们觉得适合的法律应用,置你于不利就像以前我们这边的城市政府的律师,为了她需要的结果,可以用相对应的法律来卡你,逼你就范!我这次情况是在空旷无人的停车场,为了重新把车泊好,我泊车到一半倒车,结果撞到了后面来的车子,他们给出的法律说,我应该让后者先行事实上,法律应该是后者要保持安全距离,要慢慢开避免碰撞后面的人从进停车场就看得清清楚楚,有那么一大把时间可以做很多事情,甚至鸣喇叭,避免碰撞我的保险公司,All State, 从下到上三个职员,没有办法不愿去出庭解释我很想说这个国家系统好话,很想赞美美国的先进文明系统化,很惊叹美国的社会上下左右各层都有关键的操控点,但是我现在态度大大地改变,这个社会系统的关键部分资源,被操控,不公正,这个系统有大问题“政”是讲人的社心理情绪能量舒发但国家是阶级统治的暴力机关,这个系统一而再再而三,把我,家人,放入黑名单。 我们做什么事情都是错的,把我们的信用和形象搞坏,我们这些人的情绪能量长期受压抑,心气不顺如果冲突双方是中国人也许还可以论理讲公平如果不是,那一定是中国人的错!太多次了因为偏好一部分族群,系统不公制造仇恨挑起群众不满如果有人利用这个系统,一旦大范围地制造错误,对他们来说这个是很容易的,只要在这些关键结点上神不知鬼不觉地改变数据信息就可以了,那这个社会就会有骚乱崩溃可能.  你看这次川普竞选,媒体有意识地爆料,操纵舆论和人心,当选以后的全国各地大抗议.  还有现在没完没了的,在国会,白宫,两党之间的美式民主能量消耗

Dear President, 88, I am very angry today. I finally figured out that the insurance company does not have the right to determine the right or wrong of a car accident. If they think that the cost of a lawsuit is too high, they will not fight for your benefit even it is wrong. An insurance company executive called me, but left a message to my daughter's name, which reminds me of what is it connected to? Just like Jackie ’s test results in Troy, if someone is tampering with the computer of the decisive department, your fate will be manipulated, and the lawsuit will be unjust. There are many laws in the United States. There is water in the cup, then you can say that there is water in the cup, or you can say that the cup is not full, and the operator can pick the legal application that they think is appropriate, putting you at a disadvantage. Just like the lawyers of the city government here before, for the result she needs, she can use the corresponding law to get you stuck and force you to submit!  My situation this time was in an empty parking lot. My situation this time was in an empty parking lot. In order to park my car again, I parked it halfway and reversed, but I ran into the car behind me. The law they gave said that I should let the latter go first. Facts In terms of law, the latter should keep a safe distance and drive slowly to avoid collisions. People in the back can see clearly from entering the parking lot. There is a lot of time to do many things, and even to honk to avoid collisions. My insurance company, All State, has three employees from bottom to top, and there is no way  going to court to explain. I always want to say good things about this national system, I want to praise the systematization of advanced civilization in the United States, I am amazed that there are key control points in the upper and lower and left and right layers of American society, but my current attitude has changed greatly. This social system key parts and resources are manipulated and unjust. There is a big problem with this system! "Politics" is the social and emotional energy of people, but the state is a violent unit of class rule. This system has repeatedly blacklisted me, and my family. Whatever we do is all wrong, destroying our credit and image, and the emotional energy of us  has been suppressed for a long time. We are upset. If the two sides of the conflict are Chinese, it may be fair to reason. If not, it must be the Chinese's fault! Too many times. Because of the preference for some ethnic groups, the system's injustice creates hatred and provokes dissatisfaction. If anyone uses this system, once it makes a wide range of errors, it is easy for them, as long as they secretly change data and information on these key nodes, there will be the possibility of riots in this society. You can see from the Trump campaign that the media consciously dis close news and manipulated public opinion and people's hearts. After Trump ’s election, there are major protests across the country. And now there is endless, American-style democratic energy consumption in Congress, the White House, and the two parties.

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