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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-18 1:11 已读 133 次  



新的全球化的体制能够尽各个文化宗教擅长之处而用之,那系统设计就周到完备了The new global system can take advantage of what each culture and religion excels at, and the system design is thoughtful and complete


兵将易找,帅难得  The soldiers are easy to find, and the generals are rare

Jackie说本来你们要跟UN在一起的于是我就在想,这个世界的新秩序新结构,中国人有两千年的中央集权制政治体制,擅长从上到下星状分布的政治控制但是为了防止民众结党营私犯上作乱,中国文化也没有向外扩张的野心,所以横向联系缺乏,在某些方面来说,就是少了一个自由的维度,是有缺陷的欧美基督教文化,非常擅长公共产品的设置和维护,比如对社区的规划道路的建设商业区住宅区等等都井井有条,但是缺少情感家庭的细腻联系而犹太文化因为长期游荡扩散,又被每一个政治体制排挤,所以犹太人没有很强的政治统治历史和经验,却更擅长于横向的联合及贸易伊斯兰文化是大家庭,也以贸易为主不事耕耘如果新的全球化的体制能够尽各个文化宗教擅长之处而用之,那系统设计就周到完备了当然怎么样应用不同文化的特点和擅长之处,那得先要分析一下世界各地不同的情形才行亲爱的主席,88,看电视剧大秦帝国之崛起,大将白起走了,丞相范睢被贬了,秦王要重振起鼓当时最重要的是要灭其他国家,所以军事最重要,也是当时最需要的于是秦王提拔年轻战士做统帅,虽然他们没有战功,没有战争阅历.  我每次傍晚去社区中心跳舞,外面操场上灯火辉煌,就有很多的拉丁孩子在体育运动,有打篮球的,踢足球的,打棒球的!这边美国有很大的活动空间和场地,有义务来做教练的家长们,这些孩子们每天晚上放学以后,不是在家里做功课,而且可能成绩很差,却是奔跑在运动场上锻炼身体!而且孩子家庭之间结交朋友,这是一种文化,也是整体青少年身体素质我跟Jackie说,在外面千万别打架,因为你打不过他们的中国人说,劳心者治人,劳力者治于人那是对的,有道理的,但是要有一定的社会制度做依靠的要训练打仗冲锋陷阵的战士是比训练动脑筋谋划,高瞻远瞩决胜千里之外的智者要容易,兵将易找,帅难得可是,这边的社会分工,各个产业对每个工作定性定量,并且对身体健康的劳动者的需求,远远超过具高智力高创意的脑力劳动者,应该说,每个社会这个社会结构人才大三角比例,其实都差不多的所以,当我看见上海还要建超大城市的时候,我就觉得应该给孩子们更多的运动空间。因为大多数孩子没有办法成为高端的 治人者,但是良好的身体状况让他们能够过健康的生活你看上海代表团的代表,普遍身材不高上海生长出来的孩子,香港也是,基本上都是黄豆芽,戴眼镜啊,我有一点跑题了那我就要问了,你们现在全球化,在阿拉斯加重整河山,应该训练组成一支最高端的劳心者队伍,这支队伍是集各个文化的最擅长的精英们,对社会各个领域结构分布有深入完整的了解,并且有相当的专业水平和能力,在一起为将来谋,为全世界谋这可不是一件容易的事情,十年树木百年树人,人才重要呢!可为啥有人小气吝啬的?


Jackie said that you initially have been with the UN. So I was thinking about the new order and new structure of the world. Chinese have a two-thousand-year centralized political system and are good at star-shaped political control. However, in order to prevent the people from forming chaos in the party and private camps, and Chinese culture has no ambition to expand outwards, the lack of horizontal linkages, in some respects, is a lack of a dimension of freedom and is flawed. American Christian culture is very good at public goods. The setting and maintenance of the community, such as community planning, road construction, commercial areas, residential areas, etc., are well-organized, but lack the delicate connections of emotion and families. Jewish culture has been crowded out by every political system because of long-term loitering and proliferation, so the Jews did not have a strong history and experience of political domination, but they are better at horizontal union and trade. Islamic culture is family-oriented and trade-oriented, not agriculture. If the new global system can take advantage of the strengths of various cultures and religions, the system design will be thoughtful and complete. Of course, how to apply the characteristics and strengths of different cultures, you must first analyze the different situations around the world.  Dear Chairman, 88, watching the TV series "The Rise of the Great Qin Empire", the general had gone away, and his prime minister, Fan Wei, had been degraded, and Emperor Qin had to be revitalized. The most important thing at that time was to destroy other countries, so the military was the most important and the most needed at that time. So the Emperor Qin  promoted the young soldiers as commanders, although they had no military merits and no war experience. I went to the community center every evening to dance. Outside the playground is brilliantly lit, and there are many Latin children playing sports, including basketball, football, and baseball! Here in the United States, there is a large space and venue for parents who are obliged to be coaches. After school every night, these children do not have much homework at home, and may have poor grades, but run on the sports field to exercise! And making friends between children and families is a culture and also the overall physical fitness of teenagers. I told Jackie, don’t fight outside because you can’t fight them. The Chinese say that the intellectuals govern the people, the labors are governed. That's right and reasonable, but there must be a certain social system can be rely on. It is easier to train warriors who are in charge of battle than to train their brains to plan for a long-term victory. The soldiers are easy to find and the generals are rare. However, the social division of labor here, each industry qualitatively quantifies each job, and the needs of strong physical workers far exceed those of highly intelligent and creative brain workers. It should be said that the proportion of talents in the social structure of each society is actually the same. Therefore, when I saw that Shanghai was going to build a huge city, I felt that the city should give children more sports space. Because most children have no way to become high-end "rulers", but good physical conditions allow them to lead healthy lives. You can see that the representative of the Shanghai delegation is generally not tall. Children born in Shanghai, also in Hong Kong, are basically bean sprouts and wear glasses. Ah, I have a bit off the topic. Then I will ask. Now that you are globalizing and reorganizing in Alaska, you should train to form a top-level team. This team is of the best elites in all cultures. It has a structure and distribution in all areas of society. In-depth and complete understanding, and have a considerable professional level and ability, they plan together for the future, for the whole world. This is not an easy task, ten years to build trees, one hundred years to cultivate talents. Talent is the most important thing! Why is someone so stingy?

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