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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-17 1:23 已读 2573 次  




Mar 7, 2017 at 3:34 PM

只要关系双方自己满意就行了,外人之词又何必太在意呢?As long as both sides of the relationship are satisfied, why not care about the words of outsiders?

亲爱的主席,88,昨天我写短文,言词可能有些过分了,也许我想得错了,也许你们有别的安排,不得而知我只是心里觉得不公平,所以才吐之为快的因为我觉得无论哪一方后面的策划,都大可不必这么做的,因为都是人,为什么要让一个女人和孩子这样子不平衡地活,我们所做的有目共睹今天Jackie说,你们没有生气,真的好感激,我眼泪水都出来了亲亲你们昨天还问我对泰国有什么想法?我想一想,喜欢Jackie的老国王刚刚去世,新国王也喜欢Jackie,可见中泰关系是稳定的, 泰国王位交接是平稳的可见男性在政治中地位是很重要的,女性年轻漂亮有儿子,是很重要的!哈哈哈哈 是吧?88?以前我在泰国旅游的时候,就风闻很多新国王的各种出格行为比如对佛寺长老之不敬我觉得在泰国文化中,对佛教有一种超乎寻常的狂热的崇拜还有泰王那些与第三位太太一起拍的让人惊爆眼球的照片当时我就觉得泰国女人很顺服,人跟人的关系在某些条件下也会有很多种的形态分布吧,跟人的性格和生长环境有关吧。只要关系双方自己满意就行了,外人之词又何必太在意呢?不过像丫小句野孩子这样被你们宠爱着捧在手心里,性格强妄得很,是不太会心甘情愿俯首低眉完全顺从丈夫的意愿而牺牲自己的尊严的前两天有男生在学校里逗Jackie, 她回来咬牙切齿地告诉我,“ I just want to punch them". 我听得笑了!好凶狠的女孩子!我告诉她,对男孩子也要 “tease them back " 如果她对男孩子能够像对你们那样嘻嘻哈哈的她自己出去,我就不担心了千万别生气,总有那么一天的!真的因为她不会得罪人招恨了.  我也希望她将来长大能够找对人会对她比较宽容而不跟她一般见识的那就比较好相处了真希望你们之中有一个可以对她凶一点让她知道其实一般的男孩子都是很有威严而且很 domiant不然她一生中都会只认为妈妈才是老盯着她,管她,是严厉的母夜叉,于是长大她也变成穷凶极恶母夜叉就现在我已经对她的唇枪舌剑够头疼的了,想象以后哪家倒霉的男孩会碰见她女孩子要顺从一点的才好.

Dear Chairman, 88, I wrote a short essay yesterday, and my words may be a little too much. Maybe I got it wrong. Maybe you have other arrangements. I don’t know. I just feel unfair in my heart, so I have to spit it out. Because I don’t think it’s necessary to do it to me no matter which planner is behind. Because it’s all human beings, why do you want a woman and a child to live an unbalanced life? What we have done is obvious to all. Today Jackie said that you are not angry. Thank you so much, my tears are coming out, kiss. Yesterday, you also asked me what do I think of Thailand? I think about it, the old king who liked Jackie just died, and the new king also likes Jackie. It can be seen that Sino-Thai relation is stable and the transfer of the Thai throne is smooth. It can be seen that men's status in politics is very important, that women who are young and beautiful and have sons is very important! Hahahaha right? 88? When I was traveling in Thailand, I heard a lot of different behaviors of the new king. For example, disrespect for the elders of Buddhist temples. I think that in Thai culture, there is an extraordinary cult of Buddhism. There are also stunning photos of the King of Thailand taken with the third wife. At that time, I felt that Thai women were very obedient, and the relationship between people  would have a variety of forms under certain conditions. It has something to do with the character and growth environment.  As long as both sides of the relationship are satisfied, why care about the words of outsiders? But like a wild child, she is spoiled and held in the palm of your hand. She has a strong character and is not very willing to bow her head and lower her eyebrows completely to obey her husband's wishes and sacrifice her dignity. Two days ago, a boy teased Jackie  in school, she came back and gritted her teeth and told me, "I just want to punch them". I laughed! What a fierce girl! I told her to "tease them back" for boys, too. If she can be as giggling to boys as she is to you, I won't worry if she goes out by herself. Don't get angry, there will always be such a day! Really, because she won't offend people and make others hate her. I also hope that when she grows up, she will find the right person, who will be more tolerant to her and not argue with her, then they will get along well. Really hope one of you can be a little harder on her, let her know that in fact the average boy is very majestic and very domiant, otherwise she will only think that her mother is the old one who disciplines her and restricts her a harsh mother, so when she grows up, she also becomes a wicked mother. Right now, I have had a headache for her sharp tongue. Imagine that an unlucky boy will meet her in the future. It’s better for girls to be submissive. 

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