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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-16 3:04 已读 2686 次  



上海不要建巨型城市  Don't build mega cities in Shanghai

我还看见亲爱的主席对上海团说,要研究怎么样建立超大型城市的模型运作不对,我觉得不对,我坚决反对上海的城市建设是参照香港模型的,香港地域有限,所以才会如此地稠密而且香港当时的繁华,是因为中国大陆的关闭所以只有对香港一处开放口岸香港的城市建筑没有前途你看广东,广州的城市规划,就是散布开来的卫星城,周围的深圳,珠海等等以高铁相连接,珠海多绿多舒服啊深圳也都是林荫大道你去上海看一看,人山人海的南京路,灯火辉煌吵杂喧闹,是那种人工堆出来的,虽然有派头,当没有气派人人紧张兮兮的,小家派气,让人窒息广东那边比上海有钱多了,是上海的两三倍我觉得上海不要建巨型城市,要朝西要向南京那边一路扩散开去,苏州无锡常州扬州,一连串点都已经在那边上海朝北要向江苏,山东,镇江,淮安,济南,一连串可以开发,几小时就到上海上海朝南到浙江,杭州,金华,宁波,都是有特色的城市,富春江那边景色多美呀,山清水秀环境多好啊! 1小时经济圈,两小时经济圈,现在高铁那么快速,完全可以建一个这个地区的高铁网,就像中国大城市内的高速公路网,让人口密度有一个比较平稳的分布,把房价降下来一个平均铺开来的网提供人才发展的更多机会不要只在上海一下子集中峰位,就这几光人在里面挤破头,这不是一个健康的生活形态一有什么炸弹,地震水灾什么的,非常危险.  我们做系统设计的,坚决避免巨型城市,因为没有未来发展空间,对人们的健康生活有危害!只有别有用心,或没有见识,急功近利,断子孙后代路的人,是不是42分改成99分的人他们上位做的决策,才会这样去建设.  美国只有一个纽约像这样,而且美国政府以提高房价来阻止人口过密!上海人,不要太小家派气了!你们稀里糊涂让别人来断送自己的锦绣前程吗?亲爱的主席,88,你们知道在上海坐地铁,就像沙丁鱼一样,在上海高速路开车,挤得满满的还有边上黑压压的迎面而来的高楼,真头疼啊! 看刘云山去内蒙古



I also saw my dear chairman telling the Shanghai regiment that you need to study how to build a model operation of a very large city. No, I don’t think so, and I firmly oppose it. Shanghai’s urban construction is based on the Hong Kong model. It was so dense. Moreover, the prosperity of Hong Kong at that time was due to the closeness of mainland China, so there was only an open port to Hong Kong. The urban architecture of Hong Kong had no future. You can see that the urban planning of Guangdong and Guangzhou is the satellite cities scattered around main city. Shenzhen, Zhuhai, etc. are connected by high-speed rail. Zhuhai is so green and comfortable. Shenzhen is also a boulevard. You go to Shanghai to see the crowded Nanjing Road. The lights are fancy and streets are noisy. They are artificially piled up. Although there is a face, but there is no style. Everyone is nervous, small house style is suffocating. Guangdong is richer than Shanghai, which is two or three times in area as much as Shanghai. I don’t think Shanghai should build a giant city. Instead shoud go the west, to spread all the way to Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, Yangzhou, a series of points are already over there. Around Shanghai are Jiangsu, Shandong, Zhenjiang, Huai'an, Jinan, a series of development can be developed, only a few hours to Shanghai. Zhejiang, Hangzhou, Jinhua, Ningbo, to the south of Shanghai are all characteristic cities, the scenery on the Fuchun River is beautiful, the environment is so nice! There can be a one-hour economic circle and a two-hour economic circle. Now the high-speed rail is so fast that it is entirely possible to build a high-speed rail network in this area, just like the expressway network in China's big cities, so that the population density has a relatively stable distribution, reducing housing prices.  An average spread out network provides more opportunities for talent development. Don’t just form a peak in Shanghai seddenly, just let these people squeeze their heads inside. This is not a healthy lifestyle. If there is any bomb, earthquake, flood or something, it is very dangerous. We do system design, it is necessary to resolutely avoid mega cities, because there is no room for future development, which is harmful to people's healthy life! Only those who have ulterior motives, or have no vision, are quick to make a profit, and have cut off future generations,  those who change the 42 points to 99 points, go up to the position and make the decisions, will they build this. There is only one New York like this in the United States, and the US government increases house prices to stop overpopulation! Shanghainese, don’t be too narrow minded! Are you confused to let others ruin your splendid future? Dear Chairman, 88, you know that taking the subway in Shanghai is like filling sardines cans, driving on the Shanghai highway, and it is crowded. There is also a high-rise buildings on side of freeway coming on like a heavy pressure, really a headache! Seeing Liu Yunshan go to the Inner Mongolia Regiment for a discussion, I don't know who's lost his mind?

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