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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-15 2:53 已读 2452 次  



中国如果能把发展经验传授给亚洲内部和非洲的国家,并让欧亚文明在欧亚大陆甚至北非再次辉煌发达,其所产生的效应规模就不止千万个中国啦  If China can pass on its development experience to the countries in Asia and Africa, and let the Eurasian civilization flourish again in Eurasia and even North Africa, the scale of the effect will be more than ten million China.

美国这边的,尤其犹太人,最看重的还是欧亚间的大市场  On the American side, especially Jews, the most important market is Europe and Asia.

亲爱的主席,88,讲到社会资源,我可能又要胡说八道了美国社会这边60%的人工作和其专业所学是不对口的你们不觉得这是一种时间和努力的浪费吗?当然这有政治原因,也有社会资源分配的原因我明显地感到,内地新疆等地,那些人还生活在“唱过去的歌谣”的状况亲爱的主席和88去上海团座谈开会,上海很现代化,完全可以跟纽约东京台北香港巴黎相比美,有些地方生活甚至更写意些上海是港口,人物精华八方荟萃上海是中国连接外部世界的一个必经之点可是你们要开展一带一路,亚洲大陆深处,现在也要经过上海的沿海地区,过去30年做经历的蜕变以前中国在西部是尽量与外界隔阂的,因为安全,也因为高山可是现在现代化的通讯工具和运输工具发生了改变,风水开始在欧亚大陆之间流通徘徊。按经济学的原则,当钱流转的越多越快,就会产生更多价值!欧亚大陆是世界人口最繁密的地区,如果他们也能走像中国那样的那样文明发展道路,那所产生的巨变和所带来的价值,文化,经济繁荣,就有像几万颗原子弹爆炸的能量我觉得应该在中国西部多设几个点古时候就有阳光,玉门关,一个朝南去南亚,一个向西去中亚欧洲.  我不知道有什么办法可以将社会资源慢慢地移向中国西部,在建立和亚洲西部各个国家的联系中,发展中国的西部并向外界扩展以与外界的发展来影响中国西部美洲是美洲人的美洲,门罗主义很早就这么说呢你看这边到处都是拉丁裔,满耳都是西班牙话,想让中国人到美国也能这样子的发展,那是不现实的,因为世界上有地域政治可是,中国如果能把经验传授给亚洲内部和非洲的国家,并让欧亚文明,在欧亚大陆甚至北非再次辉煌发达,那完全是现实的,其所产生的效应规模就不止千万个中国啦.  中国应该合理设计社会资源的优化分配,也可以在层次上分内外和高低上海可以是在高层的对外方面佔优势,比如有很大的资源来支持你们的世界政坛.  但对中国国内及向西,我不觉得上海有地域上的优势,以及自然的社会的资源优势你看,蒋伯伯都不教Jackie跳新疆舞,你们甚至都不穿阿拉伯的白袍子有时候觉得你们把美国这里看得太重了,其实美国这边的,尤其犹太人,最看重的还是欧亚间的大市场啊,不然就不会有那么多的战争了因为那边地理位置好,又人口众多美国只是一个壳根太浅了,到一定阶段,人口需求拉动不了市场,又没有突破性的科技出现,怎么支撑? 当你们把欧亚板块翘动起来,美国这边就要跪着来求你们了!请多教Jackie 中文,会有用呢谢谢你们!


Dear President, 88, when it comes to social resources, I may have to talk nonsense again. 60% of people in American society are not in the right job and their professional studies. You don’t think this is a waste of time and effort? Of course, this has political reasons as well as social resource allocation reasons. I obviously feel that those people in Xinjiang and other places in the Mainland are still living in the "singing past songs" situations. Dear Chairman, 88 went to the Shanghai delegation to have a meeting. Shanghai is now very modernization can be compared with New York, Tokyo, Taipei, Hong Kong, and Paris. Some places are even more free-spirited. Shanghai is a port and a collection of people. Shanghai is a must for China to connect with the outside world. But you have to carry out the Belt and Road Initiative. The depths of the Asian continent are now undergoing a similar transformation to what the coastal areas of Shanghai have experienced in the past 30 years. In the past, China was as far away from the outside world as possible because of security and because of mountains. As modern communications and transportation tools changed, Feng Shui began to circulate between Eurasia. According to the principles of economics, the more money that flows, the faster it will generate more value! 

Eurasia is the most densely populated region in the world. If they can also follow the path of civilized development like China, bring great changes and the values, culture and economic prosperity, it will  have effect like tens of thousands of atomic bombs. I think there should be a few more passes in western China. In ancient times, there were Yang Gate, Yumen Gate, one south to South Asia and one west to Central Asia and Europe. I don’t know of any way to slowly move social resources  to the west of China, develop the west of China, and expand to the outside world to influence the west of China in the establishment of ties with various countries in the west of Asia. The Americas are the Americas of the Americans, and Moneroism said so long ago. You see, there are Latinos everywhere and Spanish is filled in ears. It is unrealistic for Chinese people to develop in the United States like this, because there is regional politics in the world. But if China can pass experience to countries within Asia and Africa, and letting Eurasian civilization flourish again in Eurasia and even North Africa, that is completely realistic, and the effect it produces will be more than tens of millions of China. China should reasonably design the optimal allocation of social resources, and it can also divide internal and external and high and low levels. Shanghai can have advantages in high-level foreign and international aspects, such as having great resources to support your World Political Forum. But for China and West Asia, I don't think Shanghai has a geographical advantage, and it has no natural nor social resources advantage. You see, Uncle Chiang does not teach Jackie to dance Xinjiang dance, and you d n’t even wear Arabian white robes. Sometimes I think you value the United States too much. In fact, the Americans, especially the Jews, value the most is still big markets of Europe and Asia, otherwise there won’t be so many wars. Because there is a good geographical location and a large population. The United States is just a shell that is too shallow. At a certain stage, population demand cannot pull the market up. If  there is no breakthrough technology, how to support it? When you leverage up the Eurasian plate, the American side will kneel and beg you! Please teach Jackie Chinese more, it will be useful. Thank you!

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