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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-14 2:57 已读 2420 次  



乌克兰和拉脱维亚总统长得像习主席  Presidents of Ukraine and Latvia look like President Xi

亲爱的主席,Jackie昨天跟乌克兰和拉脱维亚总统会面交谈,你不觉得他们两个跟你长得有点像呢?上次说到要做房地产,这边有太多的中国来的无证装修人员,有太多的房地产经纪个人做,那是需要多年积累客户网的如果中国人员出国的大潮即将来临,我觉得应该把这边的房屋装修,还有地产经纪人员,加以联合组织合理安排比如说某一部门的经纪专门负责那种类型的房屋,也就是对房源有一个很好的掌控,如果客人有这方面需要,就找特别的团队,就能够提供一整套很好的服务,而不是去找某一个经纪人,上下左右而求索,还要跟别的经纪人碰撞竞争.  如果是做大的房地产建设,那更要联合起来团队作战才行做房地产不是光买卖房子,有很多的法律,琐琐碎碎的,需要顾及考虑的几年前我曾跟这边的中国人的社团提个建议,这边有太多社团了,为什么不把他们联合起来,提供完备的周全的一整套的移民服务呢?比如生活教育求职各种各样,如果这些移民,求学,工作,一来只要付一点费用,就会得到全套的服务那就不会有上次小留学生在高速路超速被警察抓住按倒在地上,还说这是不是侵犯人权了这回事.  像我这样不时地受人欺负,也会有专门的中国人法律顾问替我去讨公道了中国人一盘散沙,很多人为了省钱都吞下去,不想把事情搞大我觉得房地产也应该是整个服务的一部分中国人如果在海外投资搞房地产,那更需要对当地市场了解,要有一整套周全事先谋划,法律的保护了不然就像上次你们在墨西哥的高铁投标事件,辛辛苦苦花了那么多的心血,而一个政治动荡就打水漂,根本没有保障中国人老干这种傻事这边中国人新选出来的会长,以前的会长是Jackie的朋友的爸爸,他介绍我给新会长,我微信给她,她居然一个回应都没有!这样子的中国人社团,会真地为中国人服务吗?而中国国内的钱以个人名义大批大批在海外投资,钱放在房产里那是死的,在银行里也是死的中国人的思维,尤其是在资金运用上,比犹太人差远了.  中国人里边缺一个有效的组织和一个有智能的规划操作,所以无法让中国人的潜能发挥更大的效用还有,投资者都知道,维持一个事业要比创建一个事业难得多你们在外面四处出击,知道怎么守成吗?


Dear President, Jackie met with the Presidents of Ukraine and Latvia yesterday. Don't you think they look a little like you? Last time I said about real estate, there are too many unlisenced contractors from China and too many real estate agents. If agent just does it by himself, it will take many years to accumulate customer networks. If the tide of Chinese going abroad is coming, I think we should arrange the remodel contractors here and the real estate agents in a joint organization to make reasonable arrangements. For example, a particular agent of a department is responsible for a certain type of properties, which means that he has a good control of the house resources. If a customer has this need, then finds a special team that can provide a good set of services, instead of going up and down, left and right, looking for a certain agent and the agent must collide with other agents to compete for services.If it is a large real estate construction, it is even more necessary to unite the team to fight. Real estate is not just buying and selling a house, there are many laws, trivial and need to be considered.  A few years ago I mentioned suggestion to the Chinese community here, because there are too many social groups here, why not unite them and provide a complete and comprehensive set of immigration services? Such as life, education, job hunting and various services. If these immigrants have education and work needs, they will get a full set of services as long as they pay a little money. Then there will be no young students who was caught by the police on the expressway when he was speeding and was put down and pressed to the ground. The boy even  asked if this is a human rights violation. Like me, from time to time being bullied, there will also be a dedicated Chinese legal adviser to do justice for me. The Chinese are scattered, and many people are swallowing up in order to save money. They don’t want to make things bigger. I think real estate should also be part of the entire service. If Chinese invest in real estate overseas, they need to understand the local market and a whole set of thoughtful advance planning and legal protection. Otherwise, just like the last time you bid on a high-speed rail in Mexico, you worked so hard, and a political turmoil has abandoned all previous achievements, there is no guarantee at all. Chinese people always do such a stupid thing. The Chinese have elected a new president here. The former president is the father of Jackie's friend. He introduced me to the new president. I WeChat to her. She didn't even respond! Will a Chinese community like this really serve Chinese people? From China, a large amount of money is invested overseas in the name of individuals. Putting money in real estate is dead money, and money in the bank is also dead. Chinese people ’s thinking, especially in the use of funds, is far worse than Jews. Chinese people lack an effective organization and a Intelligent planning and operation, so that the Chinese people's potential can not be more effective. Also, investors know that maintaining a business is much more difficult than openning a business. You go out and fight around, do you know how to maintain success?

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