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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-12 3:33 已读 2192 次  



世界上没有一个国家可以不用人才而长久的  No country in the world can last long without talents

一带一路的项目展开,主要是在欧亚非大陆 One Belt One Road project launched, mainly in Eurasia and Africa

我让Jackie问你们,如果去中国读大学,好不好?你们回答是正面的,有你们在,中国又有那么多的资源,想找人教学俄语和法语应该不是问题可你们的资源是要多多了,层次要高多了,如果同时又能帮你们打工,早一点进入职业轨道,增加经历阅历那是很有帮助你们那儿应该有机会,给一个从小就认识世界各国领袖的女孩吧?总有一些特别的正常非正常的社交联络活动,她能够胜任的吧?比如由她来主持,邀请各国的领袖孩子们,邀请各国的有潜力的年轻精英们,到北京来办活动什么的,她的作用和贡献也会更大一些她有机会结识中国的,或来中国的好男孩吧?亲爱的主席,88,你们两位做爸爸的怎么想?Jackie在这边阳光自在,但是以后路会越来越窄,因为她已经被归为整个社会阶层的某一类之中了在这一小群人中,本来机会就不多,如果有人只要手指移动暗地里搞鬼,她的所有努力就烟消云散,她的机会就减少或没有了哈佛斯坦福亚裔的录取率不到5%,每年录取大陆人也只有十几个!他们需要的是美国社会和对世界有影响力的人物的子女,Jackie怎么样才能让自己有影响力?我有一个想法,看她能不能在高中期间,把世界各国领袖的孩子们组成一个乐队,一起在空中演奏!并找机会,他们能在某一个国家一起聚会,现场演奏。是不是可以把它做成录像,销售或者免费发送都是很大的影响力.这是领袖的孩子对未来的影响力  还有,看你们能不能把有音乐细胞的领袖们,组成不同的小组,不时来演奏室内乐!这样这些领袖就一个很高尚的精神生活,健康的社交生活,这样就很了不起了,你们觉得怎么样,能不能帮她?我真希望她第一年能进哈佛或斯坦福,以后再去北大,或者欧洲俄国希望能以你们那儿为base. 因为一带一路的项目展开,主要是在欧亚大陆而在文化方面,欧洲俄国中西亚印度,尤其五光十色五彩缤纷丰富多彩,将来有广大发展的空间你们觉得呢?这边,普京说川普天天来烦他,那是因为这边的人比较无能,而且现在越来越排外.

I asked Jackie to ask you, if she goes to college in China, OK? Your answer is positive. With you there, China has so many resources, it shouldn't be a problem to find someone to teach Russian and French. But you have a lot of resources and in a higher level. If she can help you at the same time, it is very helpful to work part-time, to enter the career track earlier and increase her experience. You should have the opportunity to give a girl who has known world leaders since childhood. There are always some special or unusual  social networking activities, can she be competent? For example, she presides, invites leaders and children from all countries, and invites young elites from all countries to come to Beijing to organize events or something, her role and contribution will be greater. She has the opportunity to meet Chinese, or a good boy coming to China? Dear Chairman, 88, what do you two think of it as dads? Jackie is comfortable here, but the road will become narrower and narrower in the future, because she has been classified into a certain class of the entire social class. In this small group of people, there were not many opportunities. If someone just secretly manipulates the data by finger movements, all her efforts will disappear, and her chances will be reduced or lost. Harvard Stanford's Asian acceptance rate is less than 5%, and only a dozen mainlanders are admitted every year! What they need are the children of American society and influential people in the world. How can Jackie make an impact? I have an idea to see if she can put the children of the world leaders into a band during high school and play in the air together!  And look for opportunities, they can meet together in a certain country and perform live. Whether it can be made into a video, sales or free delivery are all great influences. This is the influence of the leader's children in the future! Also, see if you can group leaders with music cells into different groups to play chamber music from time to time! In this way, these leaders have a noble spiritual life and a healthy social life. This is great. What do you think, can you help her? I really hope she can enter Harvard or Stanford in the first year, and then go to Peking University, or Russia or Europe. I hope she can use your side as a base. Because when the Belt and Road project is launched, mainly in Eurasia, Africa, and in terms of culture, Europe, Russia, Central Asia, India, especially colorful, rich, wonderful, there will be a lot development space. What do you think? Here, Putin said that Trump is bothering him every day, because people here are more incompetent, and are now more and more exclusive.


亲爱的主席,88,你们刚开完会又跑到阿拉斯加,会累啊,多休息休息吧我觉得你们的世界政坛开得越来越顺,不同国家的领袖们都愿意来这边露脸如果他们一开始只是为了礼貌起见,那多来几次人头就熟了,就可以开诚布公讲事情了像上次杜拜的和叙利亚两位领袖,就可以当面争论,这真的是好事,比私下背后捅刀子,要不知文明进步多少, 比动不动就制造爆炸和伤害人命更有人性我在想,是不是因为我对这边的抗议太剧烈了,所以他们才把Jackie划入黑名单其实看看美国社会对待自己有才华的人是怎样的,就知道是往上走还是往下走了也许过几年就不一样了于是又想到了人才的应用,世界上最难的是培养人才,培养出人才不用那是犯罪!庄子很早就说,世界上没有一个国家可以不用人才而长久的人才放错地方,那就是灾难比如以前帕萨迪纳的中学,他们宁愿录取素质低的拉丁小孩,而把Jackie这样的拒之门外,结果是什么呢,是这个学校的风气变坏教学质量下降那肯定的,因为学校是选择人才培养人才的地方,不因材施教把好的人才放错位置,违背上帝的公正法则表面上政治上是优惠了那些拉丁小孩,但学校的沉沦,实际上是把整个社会的孩子教育给弄糟了为什么呢?因为靠恶黑势力夺得政权的决策者的素质不高平均来说美国的教育水准是不高的,高素质的人是少数而很多外来的年轻人确是高素质的可是这个制度,因为崎视和政治,因为不公正,把他们跟一大批当地的低素质的美国人混在一起就像一块良肉,本应该在大雅之堂餐桌上,却被扔在狼群里,那是会被撕裂折磨的,人才放错地方就是灾难而且孤单个人到一个不熟悉的环境,怎么可能交到好朋友呢?很多时候只能退而求其次,生活动荡关系也不稳定的如果社会后边的操纵者把一批不合适的人硬介绍给你做朋友,介绍人有权力者觉得他是好心,可是接受的人会觉得,”你把我当什么呢?” 这里就有了一个GAP, 就像上次为明泽介绍男朋友介绍的人可能用心良苦可明泽不买账掀桌子!中间有一个沟通理解的GAP.


Dear President, 88, you go to Alaska just after the meeting. It will be tiring. Take a good rest. I think your World Political Forum is getting smoother. Leaders from different countries are willing to come here to show their faces. If they started out just for the sake of politeness, then they would be familiar with it a few times, and they would be able to talk openly and honestly. Like the last two leaders from Dubai and Syria, they could argue face to face. This is really a good thing. This is much more civilized than stabbing a knife privately behind a person. It is more humane than causing explosions and hurting hymen lives. I was wondering if it was because my protest against this was too fierce that they put Jackie in the blacklist. In fact, look at how American society treats its talented people, and you will know whether the society  goes up or down. Maybe it will be different in a few years. Then I thought about the application of talents in the world. The hardest part is cultivating talents. It is a crime to cultivate talents without using them! Philosopher Zhuangzi said long ago that there was no country in the world that could last long without talents. Talents in wrong place is a disaster. For example, in the middle school in Pasadena, they would rather enroll low-quality Latin children but take Jackie. What is the result? The morals of this school have deteriorated. The quality of teaching has deteriorated. That ’s for sure, because the school is a place where talents are selected and to be cultivated, and good talents should not be misplaced according to their aptitude. On the face of it, politically, those Latin children are favoured, but the decline of the school is actually messing up the education of children in the whole society.  Why? Because the quality of decision makers who have won power by evil forces is not high. On average, the education level in the United States is not high, and high-quality people are few. And many young foreigners are indeed high-quality. But this system, because of stigma and politics, because of injustice, they were mixed with a large number of local low-quality Americans. It ’s like a piece of good meat. It was supposed to be at the table of the Hall of Feasts, but it was thrown into the wolves. It would be torn and tortured. The misplaceme nt of a talent is disaster. And when you are alone, you go to an unfamiliar environment. How is it possible to make good friends? In many cases, you can only take the second best choice, and the relationship is unstable. If the operators behind the society introduce a group of inappropriate people to you as friends. The competent introducer thinks he is kind, but the acceptor will think, "What do you think of me?" There is a GAP here, just like  last time someone introduced a boyfriend for Chairmans daughter Ming Ze. The introducer may have good intentions, but Ming ze lifted the table angerily without buying it! There is a GAP in the way of communication.

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