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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-11 1:36 已读 2140 次  



人生最重要的两个关口改变命运一个是出生还有一个就是通过婚姻 The two most important points in life change your destiny, one is birth, and the other is through marriage

人生最重要的两个关口改变命运,一个是出生,既定的血缘构成的人脉和资源,是你生来具有的,别人拿不走的,大家族可以延续多少代的还有一个就是通过婚姻,背靠大树好乘凉依附通过姻缘而来的关系资源,要比自己奋斗努力,快捷有效广大得多人再聪明能干,再引领风骚,一个人一生又能够做多少,做什么?陈胜吴广说,王侯将相宁有种乎?毛泽东说 粪土当年万户侯,那是在社会大变革,大动荡的时候才有可能看看他们自己的家族命运.  Jackie既不生在帝王家,也不是特别地有大天赋,唯一能改变命运的是通过婚姻一个单亲家庭出来的孤儿,会有好婚姻吗?不知道现在各个政府后面,主持操作的那些黑人们是怎么选拔的,我想应该大多数是择才而用的吧因为他们隐藏在后,不可能通过形象来吸引大众如果没有真才实学,也不可能挑选他们吧?我想知道是怎么样的出身呢?怎么样的婚姻呢?当手中握有绝大部分社会的资源,是不是会以上帝的宽广仁厚,无所不知,超级万能,来对待芸芸众生吗?又按照什么样的法则,来重新分配资源?你看这边拉丁裔,这边美国的政治社会体制,对中国人的打压限制,对整个社会资源的不合理配置,导致美国社会失衡如果Jackie接受亲爱的主席,88,这特别恵顾教育,又不能把这些教育背景公布于众,还因此不给她去好学校的机会,对她以后求学求职又有什么帮助呢?别人不知道那又为什么要花那么多的代价培养她呢?也许你们的录像真正目的,是给别人看受教育的,她只是一个中介.  那些手中掌握社会资源的人,你们觉得Jackie以后长大,也培养她会有可能成为你们之中一分子吗?我能做什么帮助Jackie?或许,将来给她找一个好老公,最好!真心感谢.


There are two most important junctures in life to change your destiny. One is birth. The established connections and resources are the ones you are born with and others cannot take away. Large families can be extended for many generations. Another is through marriage, backed by big trees to enjoy the cool. To rely on the relationship resources through marriage is faster and more effective and broader than the struggle. Smart and capable, and then lead the way, how much and what can a person do in a lifetime? At the end of Qin Dynasty Chen Sheng and Wu Guang said, "Will the nobles have a kind of  genes?" Mao Zedong said, "the noble families then were bullshit", that was only possible when the society was undergoing major changes and great turmoil. Look at these revolutionizers their own fate. Jackie is neither born in the emperor's house nor particularly gifted. The only thing that can change her destiny is through marriage. Will orphan from a single parent family have a good marriage? I don’t know how the “black” people who are in charge of operations are selected behind various governments. I think most of them should be selected by talents. Because they are hidden behind, it is impossible to attract the public through their images. Without talent, it is impossible to pick them, right? I want to know what kind of birth background? What kind of marriage? When you have the vast majority of social resources in your hands, will you treat all sentient beings with the generosity, omnisciences, and omnipotence of God? What rules are followed to reallocate resources? You see here, the Latino, the American political and social system, the restrictions on the Chinese, and the unreasonable allocation of the entire social resources have led to an imbalance in American society.  If Jackie had received special care and education from dear chairman and 88, then these educational backgrounds could not be made public. Therefore, not giving her the opportunity to go to a good school, how will it help her in her future studies and jobs? Others don't know. Then why spend so much to train her? Perhaps the real purpose of your video is to show others to have them educated, she is only an intermediary. Those who have social resources in their hands, do you think Jackie will grow up to become one of you? What can I do to help Jackie? Maybe it's best to find a good husband for her in the future! Sincere gratitude.

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