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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-11 1:28 已读 2111 次  



中国现在缺的就是能展示中国文化精神上的价值软实力和全世界宣传的机制  What China lacks now is a mechanism that can demonstrate the value of Chinese cultural spirit, soft power, and publicity around the world.

在美国未成年人一定要有成年人陪伴,重大事情要有成年人决定任何有关的活动都有签订法律协议,无论用孩子,大人做某些事情,就一定要付报酬可是中国方面没有这种概念中国人觉得天子宠幸你,是你的荣耀,天子高兴了,才会赏赐你没有什么法律协定,没有什么报酬的可是,一个人的经济基础,和他应该得到的赔偿和报酬,那是两回事为什么有人那么吝啬刮皮了大人小孩是不一样的,工作性质不一样,效果不一样,酬劳也不一样亲爱的主席,88,你们后面的总策划,人才也有一个概率分布,不能一概而论只凭长相年龄和现在所处的位置有特别功用的人才要特别对待的我已经在你们圈子里了,我提的是圈子,是世界领袖级的圈子你们现在在形成一个圈子,在塑造圈子里的文化和权力游戏社交规则,是影响力无远弗届的圈子在圈子里他们知道Jackie,也读我的疯狂短文,知道我思想的能量,就都知道我我也有影响力,那是软实力,我宣扬的是亲爱的主席和88没有机会说的东西,是你们总策划想向全世界说的东西你们完全可以把我包装起来,以后有更大的作用的,不是吗?中国现在缺的不就是能展示中国文化精神上的价值软实力和全世界宣传的机制吗?中国缺的不就是像我这样的人,我说话能够有世界级的重要人物听,而且能够打动他们人心!你们去问犹太人,他们知道我心里装着五湖四海你们去问世界各地的领袖和情治单位,我讲的新的世界系统结构和很多创意, 不同凡响对所有人都有益处! 我也可以做某一方面代言人了请不要diminish me, 让我不死不活,应该给我更大的空间和能量才对是吗? 如果要真正理解别人的文化,站在别人的文化角度看世界,那不是一件容易的事儿你们上层每天频繁互动是比较容易出效果的,比如亲爱的主席,88,你们现在的英文已经很流利,世界政坛也在全球领袖中有了品牌但是你看美国等国的中下层的态度,应该还有很多很多,很多很多的事情要做的, 要加以改善的请不要把我扔在一旁,趁我还干得动的时候,让我多为你们做点事吧. 88,好吗?这边的人没有眼光不识人才,也没有聪明智慧创造足够多适合的工作机会给真正有才能的人


In the United States, minors must be accompanied by adults, and major matters must be decided by adults. Any related activities must have a legal agreement. Regardless of whether people use children or adults to do certain things, they must pay any way. But there is no this kind of concept  in China.  Chinese think that if the Emperor favors you, it is your glory, and if the Emperor is happy, then he will reward you. There are no legal agreements nor rewards. However, one's economic foundation and the compensation  and remuneration one deserves is two different things. Why are some people so stingy? Adults and children are different, the nature of work is different, the effect is different, and the remuneration is different. Dear Chairman, 88, the general planner behind you, there is also a talent probability distribution, it cannot be generalized only by looks, age, and current position. Talents with special functions should be treated specially. I am already in your circle, I am referring to circles, world-class circles. You are now forming a circle, shaping the social rules of the game of culture and power in the circle.  It  is a circle of far-reaching influence. In the circle they know Jackie, also read my crazy essay, know the energy of my thoughts, just all know me. I also have influence. That is soft power. What I preach is what my dear chairman and 88 have not had the chance to say. It is what you always plan to say to the world. You can completely package me and later It has a bigger effect, doesn't it? Isn't China lacking a mechanism to demonstrate the spiritual value of Chinese culture, soft power, and publicity to the world? What China lacks is just the people like me. I can speak to world-class important people and move them! Ask the Jews, they know that I have the world in my heart. You ask leaders and sentimental units around the world. The new world system structure and many ideas I talk about are extraordinary and good for everyone! I can also be a spokesperson for a certain aspect. Please don’t diminish me, let me die, you should give me more space and energy, right? If you really want to understand the culture of others, and look at the world from the perspective of other people ’s culture, it’s not easy. Frequent daily interaction between your upper levels is relatively easy to produce results, such as dear chairman, 88, your current English has already been very fluent, the World Political Forum also has a brand among global leaders. But if you look at the attitude of the middle and lower classes in the United States and other countries, there should be many, many, many things to be done, and things to be improved. Please don’t throw me away on the side, let me do more for you while I'm still active. 88, please? People here don't have the eyesight, nor the wisdom to create enough suitable job opportunities for the truly talented.

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