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送交者: 转折关头[★品衔R6★] 于 2021-09-10 2:56 已读 2066 次  



中国社会给人以正面的向上的积极的鼓励的推动的发展作用而美国却是负面的消极的,压制的,伤害的,冰冷的,排斥的,仇恨的,对待别人态度.   Chinese society gives people a positive, upward, active, encouraging, and promoting development function, while the United States is negative, inactive, repressive, hurtful, cold, exclusive, hateful, attitude towards others .

相反,中国人对外国人也许还有点崇洋媚外吧,其实中国文化是温暖的善良的就像以前犹太人二战时候逃到中国上海,非亲非故的上海人隔着高大的围墙把吃的饼扔过去,是那样地有人性.  我以前带Jackie出去旅游,在中国无论哪里都会有年长者给Jackie一些小东西和好吃的在中国的外国人,受到比自己中国人都更好的待遇这种精神上的相融或排斥,结果完全是不同的,中国社会给人以正面的向上的积极的鼓励的推动的发展作用,而美国却是负面的,消极的,压制的,伤害的,冰冷的,排斥的,仇恨的,对待别人态度欧美人怎么会那么白痴给自己挖坟墓呢?我想这也是为什么中国迅速发展的原因之一吧! 你看你们一开世界政坛,各国的领袖来自不同的文化不同的宗教不同地域,虽然有人可能从心底深处对中国人不以为然,可是你们的坚持不懈每天,天天,你们的政坛宣扬的内容是最能打动人心,顺从天道,浩浩汤汤,绵绵不断,浑厚丰满,深入血脉的文化呀中国有那么丰富的文化,才能承受得起世界的文化而平时孤家寡人的世界领袖们能够有机会跟同僚们一起谈心交流畅谈,共度美好时光,那是多大的享受啊有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? 欧美文化中对中国人的那种伤害,是时候应该去掉了!因为由此造成的中国人对美国的仇恨那是不会对美国带来好结果的你看我每天写短文,是每天在发泄仇恨吗!我是写给全世界看的那些造成我仇恨的人你们有真正得到好处吗?做这种事情有意思吗?啍!


On the contrary, the Chinese may be a little more admiring foreigners. In fact, Chinese culture is warm and kind. Just like when Jews fled to Shanghai, China during World War II, Shanghai people threw food across a tall wall. It's so human. I used to take Jackie out for a trip. No matter where in China, there will be seniors giving Jackie some small things and delicious food. Foreigners in China are better treated than in their own country. The result of this spiritual integration or exclusion is completely different. Chinese society gives people a positive, upward, active, encouraging, and promoting development function, while the United States has negative, inactive, repressive, hurtful, cold, repellent, hateful, attitude towards others. How can Europeans and Americans be so idiots to dig graves for themselves? I think this is one of the reasons why China is developing rapidly! You see, when you open up the World Political Forum, the leaders of different countries come from different cultures, different religions, and different regions. Although some people may disagree with the Chinese from the bottom of their hearts, but your perseverance every day, every day, what you preach in politics is the culture that can move people's hearts, obey the heavenly rule, be full of strength, be rich and full of blood. China has such a rich culture that it can withstand the culture of the world. But the world leaders who are usually lonely can have  a chance to talk with your colleagues, exchange ideas, have a good time, and have a good time together. What a pleasure it is, having friends come from afar? The kind of harm to Chinese people in European and American culture, it is time to get rid of it! Because the  hatred of Chinese in United States will not bring good results to the United States. Look at me writing short articles every day, is it venting hatred every day? I write to the world. Do those really get the benefits  who made me hate? Is it meaningful to do this kind of thing? No!

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