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送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-01-06 13:35 已读 8264 次  





太平洋标准时间 2023 年 1 月 6 日星期五早上 6:00



婚姻会影响您纳税、赚钱和退休计划的方式。 如果您的婚姻结束,了解有关离婚和社会保障的规定很重要。 谁有资格获得什么福利,您可以领取多少以及如果再婚怎么办? 这些都是离婚后您在考虑退休时要考虑的所有事情,以确定您有资格获得哪些社会保障福利。 社会保障只是退休计划的一部分,您可能需要考虑与财务顾问合作制定完整的财务计划。


关于离婚和社会保障需要了解的一件重要事情是,离婚不会终止前配偶的社会保障资格。 如果你为一个人付出了很长时间,如果满足某些标准,你仍然可以在他们的工作记录中领取社会保障福利。


您至少 62 岁并且目前未婚。


在离婚最终确定之前,您已与该人结婚至少 10 年。


如果您满足这些要求,您可以在前配偶不知情的情况下提出索赔。 你只需要结婚证明。 这不会影响他们的支出,他们甚至不必当前领取福利。

如果您在完全退休年龄申请福利,您将获得前配偶退休金或残疾福利的一半。 如果您决定提前提交,您的福利将会减少。

最重要的是,如果您达到完全退休年龄并且出生于 1954 年 1 月 2 日之前,您可以选择领取前配偶的福利,延迟您自己的福利。 当您将其应用于自己的工作记录时,这将意味着更高的每月支出。


您不能同时收集两个工作记录。 如果您有资格从您的前配偶以及您自己的工作记录中获得社会保障福利,社会保障管理局 (SSA) 将支付两者中较高者。 您通常会收到自己的福利,然后如果您的前配偶的福利会给您带来更多收益,您将收到额外的金额来弥补差额。


如果您不止一次结婚和离婚,您可以选择收集哪份工作记录。 请记住,每场婚姻都必须满足上述要求。 此外,您不能收集多个前配偶工作记录,因此您必须选择您认为可以为您赚取更多福利的那个。


当多个前配偶试图在同一个人的工作记录上归档时,关于离婚和社会保障的规则是什么? 例如,假设您的前夫有另一位前配偶在他的工作记录上有资格获得社会保障。 你会为了利益而竞争吗? 幸运的是,这不是它的工作原理。 符合条件的前配偶都将获得社会保障福利。


无论您的前配偶是否已开始领取社会保障福利,您仍然可以根据他们的收入记录获得福利。 您必须已经离婚至少两年,但如果您满足其他要求才能获得自己的福利,那么您的前配偶是否已经申请或目前是否正在领取都没有关系。




仅仅因为您处于退休年龄,并不意味着您已经准备好或能够停止工作。 毕竟,拥有丰厚的退休收入很重要。 那么,您是否可以在仍然工作的同时从前配偶的工作记录中收集? 是的你可以。 如果您尚未达到完全退休年龄,那么在影响您的社会保障支出之前,您可以赚多少钱。

2022 年,该限额为 19,560 美元。 每超出限额 2 美元,将从您的社会保障福利中扣除 1 美元。 在您达到完全退休年龄的那一年,限额变为 51,960 美元,超过限额每 3 美元就会扣除 1 美元。 一旦您达到完全退休年龄,您可以赚多少钱就没有限制。 您将获得全部福利。


了解了离婚和社保的相关规定后,如何通过前配偶的工作记录申请领取社保呢? 这非常简单。 首先,您需要确定现在是否是申请社会保障的最佳年龄。 请记住,当您申请福利时,SSA 的假设是您将根据自己的收入记录申请,并且您将获得您和前配偶之间最高的福利。

在申请之前,请确保您一起收集了正确的文件。 要申请前配偶的记录,您需要知道该人的社会安全号码或他们的出生日期和地点以及他们父母的姓名。 一旦您获得了必要的文件,申请社会保障就很简单了。 访问 SSA.gov,致电 1-800-772-1213 或访问您当地的社会保障管理局办公室进行申请。




离婚对个人和法律都有影响。 例如,离婚后有某些社会保障规则。 离婚后,您可能有权从前配偶那里获得福利,包括社会保障福利。 如果您结婚超过 10 年,您最多可以获得全额退休金或伤残金的一半。 如果您有资格从自己的工作记录或其他配偶那里获得福利,您将获得最高的奖励。

根据前配偶的工作记录申请社会保障不会影响他们的福利。 他们甚至不需要知道这件事。 如果他们的工作记录中还有其他符合条件的前配偶档案,那也不会影响您。 当您接近退休年龄时,您需要做的就是决定何时提交文件、整理文件并申请您的社会保障福利。


离婚是计划退休时可能出现的众多并发症之一。 与财务顾问合作,规划您退休后的收入来源,这可能是过上您想要的生活的关键。 寻找合格的财务顾问并不难。 SmartAsset 的免费工具可为您匹配最多三位为您所在地区服务的财务顾问,您可以免费与您的顾问进行面谈,以决定哪一位最适合您。 如果您准备好寻找可以帮助您实现财务目标的顾问,请立即开始。

当您计划退休时,了解您需要存多少钱很重要。 使用我们的退休计算器来确定您需要多少资金来维持退休后的生活方式。

Can I Apply for an Ex-Spouse's Social Security Benefit?

Andrew J. Dehan

Fri, January 6, 2023 at 6:00 AM PST

divorce and social security

Marriage can affect how you do your taxes, make money and plan for retirement. If your marriage ends, it’s important to know the rules regarding divorce and Social Security. Who’s eligible for what benefits, how much can you collect and what about if there’s another marriage? These are all things to consider after a divorce as you look towards retirement to determine what Social Security benefits you’re eligible for. Social Security is just one part of retirement planning, and you may want to consider working with a financial advisor to create a full financial plan.

Who Is Eligible for Social Security Divorced Spouse Benefits?

An important thing to know about divorce and Social Security is that a divorce doesn’t end Social Security eligibility for the ex-spouse. If you’ve devoted a long time to a person, you can still receive Social Security benefits on their work record if certain criteria are met.

Here are the government’s requirements for filing for Social Security on your ex-spouse’s work record:

You’re at least 62 years old and not currently married.

You’re divorced from someone who is entitled to Social Security benefits.

You were married to that person for at least 10 years before the divorce was finalized.

You’re not entitled to higher retirement or disability benefits.

If you meet these requirements, you can file a claim without your ex-spouse knowing it. All you need is proof of the marriage. It won’t affect their payout and they don’t even have to be currently collecting their benefits.

If you file for benefits at full retirement age, you will receive half of your ex-spouse’s retirement amount or disability benefit. If you decide to file earlier, your benefit will be reduced.

On top of this, if you reach full retirement age and were born before Jan. 2, 1954, you can choose to receive your ex-spouse’s benefits, delaying your own. This will mean a higher monthly payout when you apply it to your own work record.

What If You Have Your Own Work Record?

You can’t collect two work records at the same time. If you’re eligible for Social Security benefits from your ex-spouse, as well as from your own work record, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will pay out whichever of the two is higher. You’ll typically receive your own benefits and then if your ex-spouse’s benefits would net you more you will receive an additional amount to make up the difference.

What If There’s More Than One Marriage?

If you’ve been married and divorced more than once, you can choose which work record to collect. Remember, each marriage will have to meet the requirements listed above. Also, you can’t collect multiple ex-spouse work records so you will have to make the choice of whichever you think can earn you more benefits.

What If There Are Multiple Ex-Spouses?

What are the rules around divorce and Social Security when multiple ex-spouses are trying to file on the same person’s work record? For example, say your ex-husband has another ex-spouse who is eligible for Social Security on his work record. Will you be competing for the benefit? Fortunately, that’s not how it works. Both ex-spouses who qualify will be granted the Social Security benefit.

What If Your Ex-Spouse Isn’t Yet Collecting? 

Regardless of whether your ex-spouse has started to collect their Social Security benefits, you can still qualify for benefits on their earnings record. You must have been divorced for at least two years but if you meet the other requirements to get your own benefits then it doesn’t matter if your ex-spouse has applied or is currently collecting or not.

Can You Collect Social Security If You’re Still Working?

divorce and social security

Just because you’re at retirement age, doesn’t mean you’re ready or able to stop working. After all, it’s important to have a good retirement income. So, can you collect from your ex-spouse’s work record while still working? Yes, you can. If you haven’t yet reached full retirement age, there’s a limit to how much you can make before it affects your Social Security payout.

For 2022, that limit is $19,560. For every $2 you make over the limit, $1 will be deducted from your Social Security benefits. The year you reach full retirement age, the limit switches to $51,960, and $1 is deducted for every $3 you are over the limit. Once you reach full retirement age, there’s no limit to how much money you can make. You’ll receive your full benefits.

How Do I Apply for an Ex-Spouse’s Benefit?

Now that you’ve learned the rules about divorce and Social Security, how do you apply to receive Social Security from your ex-spouse’s work record? It’s very straightforward. First, you’ll need to decide if now is the best age to apply for Social Security. Keep in mind that when you apply for benefits, the assumption from the SSA is that you will be applying based on your own earning record and you’ll receive the benefits that is the highest between you and your ex-spouse.

Before applying make sure that you collect the right documentation together. To apply on a former spouse’s record you’ll want to have that person’s Social Security number or their date and place of birth and their parent’s names. Once you get the necessary documentation together, applying for Social Security is simple. Visit SSA.gov, call 1-800-772-1213 or visit your local Social Security Administration office to apply.

The Bottom Line

divorce and social security

Divorce has both personal and legal ramifications. For instance, there are certain Social Security rules after a divorce. When you’ve been divorced, you may be entitled to benefits from your ex-spouse, including Social Security benefits. If you were married for over 10 years, you could receive up to half of your full retirement or disability amount. If you’re eligible for benefits from your own work record, or from another spouse, you will be awarded whichever is highest.

Filing for Social Security on your ex-spouse’s work record won’t affect their benefits. They don’t even need to know about it. If they have another eligible ex-spouse filing on their work record, that won’t affect you either. When you’re getting close to retirement age, all you need to do is decide when to file, get the documentation together and apply for your Social Security benefits.

Tips for Investing

Divorce is one of many complications that can come up when planning for retirement. Working with a financial advisor to plan out where your income is going to come from when you retire can be key to living the life you want. Finding a qualified financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three financial advisors who serve your area, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

When you’re planning for retirement, it’s important to know how much money you’ll need to save. Use our retirement calculator to determine how much you’ll need to maintain your lifestyle in retirement.

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