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送交者: 一颗甜橙[☆★★声望品衔11★★☆] 于 2023-07-17 11:46 已读 484 次  



回答: 三个冰块一起放下去。第一种我看来的,没用过。而且我的蝴蝶兰放在套 由 秋来相顾 于 2023-07-15 6:33

“If you want to understand the science behind this, then The Ohio state University and the University of Georgia carried out a study on Phalaenopsis (moth) orchids. Half the orchids were watered using room temperature water and the other half ice cubes. The orchids were evaluated for four to six months and the outcome showed that the orchids watered with ice cubes had the same flower longevity as the orchids watered with room temperature water. It was also concluded that watering orchids with ice cubes was just as effective as traditional watering methods. If you still want more information read the full study here.”

"Watering with ice triggers flowering "
This is one of the funniest props for ice watering. It's true that some (not all) phalaenopsis and many other orchids use seasonally cool water droplets to know when to bloom. Cooling the roots is likely to trigger flowering -- especially for phalaenopsis that are sensitive to root temperature.

That said, constantly "triggering" your orchid to bloom can be detrimental. Some larger orchid growers use pressure to cause orchids to bloom in order to sell them (unflowered orchids don't sell well). When buying an orchid from a large grower, you should always consider that it may already be under relative stress - so reducing stress is always the best idea. Orchids require a lot of energy to bloom. Triggering an orchid to bloom over and over, whether with ice or any other stressor, can cause the orchid to die from stress...literally.

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