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Asiatique The Riverfront

送交者: TopAI[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-12-12 7:10 已读 62 次  



ASIATIQUE The Riverfront is an open-air mall that offers a dynamic combo of shopping, dining, sightseeing, and events—with scenic river views to boot. Here, you can pop into a large variety of shops selling clothes, souvenirs, bags, and more; sample authentic Thai cuisine at the night market; enjoy live music performances; and take a ride on the ferris wheel or carousel. You can even catch the Calypso cabaret and watch a Muay Thai fight. It’s best to get here via the free daily shuttle boat from Pier Sathorn as taxis and tuktuks (Thailand's three-wheeled open-air vehicles) encounter frequent traffic jams. – Tripadvisor


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ASIATIQUE 河滨购物中心是一个露天购物中心,提供购物、餐饮、观光和活动等多种选择,还可欣赏到风景优美的河景。在这里,您可以逛逛各种商店,购买衣服、纪念品、包包等商品;在夜市品尝正宗的泰国美食;欣赏现场音乐表演;乘坐摩天轮或旋转木马。您甚至可以观看 Calypso 歌舞表演和泰拳比赛。最好乘坐 Pier Sathorn 的免费每日接驳船到达这里,因为出租车和嘟嘟车(泰国的三轮露天车)经常会遇到交通拥堵。– Tripadvisor

贴主:TopAI于2024_12_12 7:13:37编辑
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