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送交者: ling_yin_shi[♂☆★★声望品衔12★★☆♂] 于 2024-06-02 21:31 已读 3839 次 2赞  





    反正俺自己觉得,或者说意淫的——这一句“谁鸡三千,扶腰上九万”挺入魂的:逍遥牌麻将,耶~~~俺的魂哪!(Oh, My Soul!),不不,俺的神哪!(Oh, My God!)。


【逍遥游】On Wind My Heart

北冥有鱼/North it was where a tame fish lay in cold water, felt shame

其名为鲲/"KUN" was ever called, its name

鲲之大/Huge its body looked over, such as

不知其几千里也/Thousands of miles in sense, unknown actually to us

化而为鸟/A bird it is now being, when a pair of wings is up-growing

其名为鹏/With a new name "PENG", now every see-er saying

鹏之背/By eyeing at the outlook of its back

不知其几千里也/Ten thousand of miles still feels it like

怒而飞/For heart of anger being stirred then bracing itself to fly

其翼若垂天之云/like clouds of darkness plummeting its wings submerging in sky 

是鸟也/A bird, as it is indeed 

海运则将徙于南冥/A leave for peaceful-warm Water of South, In case of writhing water of North, will be needed

南冥者/Water of South, the above mentioned 

天池也/Pool of Sky, is hereto explained

《齐谐》者/The book of “Qi Xie” as a name

志怪者也/A collection of bizarre stories like a dream

《谐》之言/With a sentence “Qi Xie“ has

曰/Like below it ever says

鹏之徙于南冥也/When “PENG” was striving with wings at the moment just

水击三千里/Three thousand miles stretched its water blast

扶摇九万里/Up ninety thousand miles against air it was spiraling

去以六月息者也/On wind of June its shadow was gone by riding




贴主:ling_yin_shi于2024_06_02 21:33:18编辑
贴主:ling_yin_shi于2024_06_02 21:34:13编辑
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