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Rothschild's giraffe有些不同,按谷哥:

送交者: 杭州阿立[♂☆★★★江南情节★★★☆♂] 于 2022-10-11 12:55 已读 3951 次  



回答: 你特意注明了这种长颈鹿, 我去查了查, 好像别的种类颜色,网格,稍有不同。 由 oldogzhao 于 2022-10-11 12:43

The Rothschild's giraffe is easily distinguishable from other subspecies. The most obvious sign is in the coloring of the coat or pelt. Whereas the reticulated giraffe has very clearly defined dark patches with bright-whitish channels between them, Rothschild's giraffe more closely resembles the Masai giraffe. However, when compared to the Masai giraffe, the Rothschild's ecotype is paler, the orange-brown patches are less jagged and sharp in shape, and the connective channel is of a creamier hue compared to that seen on the reticulated giraffe. In addition, Rothschild's giraffe displays no markings on the lower leg, giving it the impression of wearing white stockings.[2]

Another distinguishing feature of Rothschild's giraffe, although harder to spot, is the number of ossicones on the head. This is the only Giraffa phenotype to be born with five ossicones. Two of these are the larger and more obvious ones at the top of the head, which are common to all giraffes. The third ossicone can often be seen in the center of the giraffe's forehead, and the other two are behind each ear.[6] They are also taller than many other populations, measuring up to 5.88 metres (19.3 feet) tall.[7][8] They can weigh up to 2,500 pounds.[9]

Males are larger than females by a few hundred pounds[9] and their two largest ossicones are usually bald from sparring. They usually tend to be darker in colour than the females, although this is not a guaranteed sexing indicator.
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